Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Sunday December 22nd 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Glimpse ESPY
5 Way up ASCENT
11 “Modern Family” network ABC TV
16 Bush found in Florida JEB
19 Taiwanese superstar Jay CHOU
20 Indiana Big Ten school PURDUE
21 Anne of comedy MEARA
22 Kerfuffle ADO
23 *Without hesitation HOOK, LINE AND SINKER
26 “Young Sheldon” network CBS
27 Big-eyed bird OWL
28 Johns in Scotland IANS
29 Thought of Monet IDEE
30 Farm team links YOKES
32 *Opponent of the U.S. entry into WWII… AMERICA FIRSTER
38 Poop out TIRE
39 Certain noble’s domain BARONY
41 “Speed-the-Plow” playwright MAMET
42 Broadcasts AIRINGS
44 Underway, in a way ASEA
45 Upbraids SCOLDS
47 Bear witness ATTEST
48 *”Sheik of … burning sand” in a Ray Stevens hit AHAB THE ARAB
51 Michelangelo work PIETA
52 Curable aliment HAM
55 “Death, be not proud” poet DONNE
56 Stylish Christian DIOR
57 Espresso foam CREMA
59 “Death Wish” star Charles BRONSON
63 Tire material STEEL
65 Unkempt SHABBY
66 Automation prefix ROBO-
67 *Back-to-basics food regimen CAVEMAN DIET
71 “J’Accuse…!” author ZOLA
72 Middle-earth tongue ELVISH
74 Modeling agent? EPOXY
75 Rubber glove materials LATEXES
77 Kavanaugh colleague ALITO
78 Awestruck AGOG
79 Chile con __: cheesy Tex-Mex sauce QUESO
81 Brit. medal DSO
82 Fountain choices COLAS
84 *Moments requiring decisive action CRUNCH TIMES
90 Wasatch dweller, perhaps UTAHAN
92 Believer THEIST
93 Zilch NADA
94 Greek letter that inspired the euro symbol EPSILON
96 “__ you done?” AREN’T
97 Aptly named Vt. ski resort MT SNOW
99 Small indentation POCK
100 *Groups that pervert justice KANGAROO COURTS
104 Beatnik’s “Got it!” I’M HIP!
106 Oscilloscope knob DIAL
107 Twice tetra- OCTA-
108 PC brain CPU
111 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame architect PEI
112 1865 classic not written for the characters that start the answers to starred clues O CAPTAIN! MY CAPTAIN!
118 Annex ELL
119 Action star Lundgren DOLPH
120 Bawl out RAIL AT
121 Mirrored APED
122 Silent consent NOD
123 “Hasta la vista!” SEE YA
124 Digestion aid ENZYME
125 Tender in Havana PESO
1 Smart speaker brand ECHO
2 Display SHOW
3 Lifeguard’s domain POOL AREA
4 Goofy laugh YUK
5 Drone shelter APIARY
6 Largest division of Islam SUNNI
7 Dramatic mus. marking CRESC
8 Writer LeShan EDA
9 Vow taker NUN
10 Youngest of nine Kennedy siblings TED
11 In the thick of AMIDST
12 “John Brown’s Body” poet BENET
13 Self-indulgent sort CAKE-EATER
14 Numero di colori on the Italian flag TRE
15 Verb associated with mileage VARY
16 *Food chain with a roundheaded spokesman JACK IN THE BOX
17 Stefan of tennis EDBERG
18 Heads BOSSES
24 Legal encumbrance LIEN
25 Horse fathers SIRES
31 Elevator guy OTIS
33 Ancient Dead Sea kingdom MOAB
34 Dino’s love AMORE
35 FDR’s dog FALA
36 Cinephile’s website IMDB
37 “Hud” director Martin RITT
39 Barnyard bleat BAA
40 Tray filler ASH
43 Come to, as an agreement REACH
45 Medicinal shrub SENNA
46 Spam holder CAN
47 Garlicky sauce AIOLI
49 NFL stats TDS
50 Bootlegger’s haul HOOCH
51 Variegated PIED
53 Mosey AMBLE
54 Chichén Itzá builders MAYAS
56 Overrule DENY
58 Bulldoze RAZE
59 Basketful on the table BREAD
60 Basketful on the table ROLLS
61 *1990 Paul Simon song, with “The” OBVIOUS CHILD
62 “__ isn’t!”: emphatic rebuttal NO IT
63 Industrial settler? SMOG
64 Duty TAX
65 Tuck away STASH
68 Like the Impossible Burger VEGAN
69 Heroic poem EPOS
70 Pick ELECT
73 San Bernardino Co. is part of it SOCAL
76 Tater __ TOT
78 Bing Crosby’s role in “Robin and the 7 Hoods” ALAN-A-DALE
79 Westernmost South American capital QUITO
80 Young __ ‘UNS
83 Reluctant assent OH, OK
84 One-named singer CHER
85 Vegas rival RENO
86 Caltech, e.g.: Abbr. INST
87 Guy’s grooming portmanteau MANSCAPE
88 Pre-1868 Tokyo EDO
89 Jug band instrument SAW
91 __ bar TIKI
92 Cheery refrain TRA-LA
94 Auto-injector brand EPIPEN
95 Big citrus fruit POMELO
96 __ Raisin, British whodunit sleuth named for a British writer AGATHA
97 Change in form MUTATE
98 Something under the sink TRAP
101 Chilly NIPPY
102 With feigned shyness COYLY
103 Logical “razor” creator OCCAM
105 Bean bags? PODS
109 Bakery array PIES
110 Reverse UNDO
113 Iowa college COE
114 Spleen IRE
115 Indian 59-Down NAN
116 “Les __” MIZ
117 Stout source TAP
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