Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday December 25th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle
1 “The Chosen” novelist Potok CHAIM
6 Doofuses SCHMOS
12 Itinerary info ETA
15 Light weight OUNCE
16 Hullabaloo HOOPLA
17 “Your Moment of __”: “The Daily Show” bit ZEN
18 Pretrial proceeding to determine if the accused is released or held during trial DETENTION HEARING
21 Family unit CLAN
22 Ties up BINDS
30 Get-up-and-go ZEST
31 Peddle SELL
32 Again, in Spanish OTRA VEZ
34 Having a low pH ACIDIC
37 Stop communicating LOSE TOUCH
41 Master ACE
42 Easy throw LOB
44 Forget a date, e.g. ERR
45 Actress Vardalos NIA
46 Programmer’s hint of a still bigger problem CODE SMELL
50 Pines YEARNS
52 Plays at, with “in” DABBLES
54 Costa __ RICA
55 Source of chips SPUD
58 Soothsayer’s ability SECOND SIGHT
61 Watering hole OASIS
63 Vicinity AREA
64 Wake up … or what five long Across answers do? COME TO YOUR SENSES
72 Chicken-king link A LA
73 Polar jacket ANORAK
74 Dishonorable fellow KNAVE
75 Chop off LOP
76 Big Apple area, with “the” BOWERY
77 Nasser’s successor SADAT
1 Northern Pacific catch COD
2 Cranberry or cherry HUE
3 Bad picnic omen ANT
4 Like beer on a summer day, ideally ICE COLD
5 __ Park: Edison lab site MENLO
6 Japanese faith SHINTO
7 Dove’s call COO
8 Dearie HON
9 Speed letters MPH
10 Cry repeated at soccer matches OLE!
11 Defunct Swedish automaker SAAB
12 Web mag E-ZINE
13 Cares for TENDS
14 Insecure feeling ANGST
19 Old salt TAR
20 Channing’s role in “Grease” RIZZO
23 Genesis father of twins ISAAC
24 Wafer brand NECCO
25 Practiced, as a trade PLIED
26 NBA’s Hawks, on scoreboards ATL
27 B’way sellout sign SRO
28 Zap with a stun gun TASE
29 More than most EVERY
33 French 101 verb ETRE
35 “Casablanca” heroine ILSA
36 Tangle removers COMBS
38 Strip of gear, as a ship UNRIG
39 Sure thing CINCH
40 Attacks HAS AT
43 “I’m a Mess” singer Rexha BEBE
47 __ Bauer EDDIE
48 Inc. kin LLC
49 Zodiac feline LEO
51 Online news pioneer Huffington ARIANNA
53 Snide SNARKY
55 Golden St. region SOCAL
56 Renaissance painter Veronese PAOLO
57 It usually shows AK and HI as insets US MAP
59 Ob-gyns, e.g. DRS
60 Personal ad verb SEEKS
62 Stick a fork in STAB
65 Plastic __ Band ONO
66 Pained outburst YOW
67 Wash. neighbor ORE
68 Old Mideast org. UAR
69 Pathetic SAD
70 Señora Perón EVA
71 Tennis match unit SET
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