Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday May 25th 2020, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Terrible reviews PANS
5 Dots in the Seine ILES
9 Shoelace tip AGLET
14 Baseball’s Hershiser OREL
15 Pie à la __ MODE
16 Singer Lopez TRINI
17 Old enough to start kindergarten SCHOOL AGE
19 Divided Southeast Asian island TIMOR
20 Sing to romantically SERENADE
21 Roll the dice GAMBLE
22 Academic URL ending EDU
23 Attend a foreign university, say STUDY ABROAD
25 Way to get off base? JEEP
26 Wind quintet wind OBOE
27 Native Alaskan ALEUT
30 Ability to float BUOYANCY
34 Spill the beans SING
35 Done to __: perfectly cooked A TURN
37 Numbered book part PAGE
38 Sonic, in gaming HEDGEHOG
40 Old photo tone SEPIA
41 Dept. with a sun on its seal ENER
42 Carbon monoxide’s lack ODOR
44 Kind of exam with brief responses SHORT-ANSWER
48 Scratch the surface of MAR
51 Attached, as a corsage PINNED
52 Go up, as prices INCREASE
54 Beelike APIAN
55 Exam answered in a blue book … and a phonetic hint to 17-, 23- and 44-Across ESSAY TEST
56 Pontificate SPOUT
57 Fab Four fellow PAUL
58 Assert as true AVER
59 Three-card con MONTE
60 Heidi’s range ALPS
61 Jared of “Panic Room” LETO
1 Rapper’s entourage POSSE
2 Rainbow-shaped ARCED
3 ’60s jacket style NEHRU
4 Gin flavor SLOE
5 Behind-schedule comment I’M LATE
6 Amass, with “on” LOAD UP
7 Barely defeated EDGED
8 Observe SEE
9 “Way to go, fella!” ATTA BOY
10 Scary scythe bearer GRIM REAPER
11 Dance under a bar LIMBO
12 __ Gay: WWII bomber ENOLA
13 Out of gas TIRED
18 Initial stage ONSET
21 West African country GABON
24 Part of BYO… YOUR
25 Inexorable force JUGGERNAUT
27 Blond shade ASH
28 Fish story, so to speak LIE
29 Call off END
30 Software glitch BUG
31 Day break? NAP
32 Cinematic FX… CGI
33 Vote for YEA
35 Leading in the race AHEAD
36 In tatters TORN
39 Diplomatic accord ENTENTE
40 “My bad!” SORRY
42 Says “My bad!” OWNS UP
43 Car window stickers DECALS
44 Involuntary jerk SPASM
45 Safari heavyweight HIPPO
46 Gibson garnish ONION
47 Rope fiber SISAL
48 “Circle of Friends” author Binchy MAEVE
49 Balance sheet item ASSET
50 Back in style RETRO
53 And others: Abbr. ET AL
55 Org. concerned with PCB’s EPA
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