Here are all of the answers to the LA Times Crossword Answers for Tuesday November 5th 2013 and some fun facts and interesting trivia to go with them. Did you get it out easily today? Let me know how you went below.
Across Answers
1. Lies as a whole? PACK
5. King who raged to Edgar on the heath LEAR
King Heath lost his mind after he lost his estate to his daughters. Shakespeare wrote this play between 1603 and 1606, and based it on Leir of Britain, a legend.
9. Turbaned Punjabis SIKHS
“Sikh” is a term which means “student,” or a “disciple.” Sikhism is a religion that started in the 15th century. Devout followers are known to never cut their hair, and men hide them inside their turbans. The larger the turban, the longer the hair kept in it.
14. Matty or Felipe of baseball ALOU
The brothers Alou, Jesus, Felipe, and Matty, all played major league baseball. Jesus’ son, Moises, also became a player.
15. Puffs additive ALOE
Puffs was introduced in 1960 by Procter & Gamble in the US.
16. Pistons great Thomas ISIAH
Isiah Thomas received 2 MVPs during his basketball career. One in 1984, and another one in 1986.
17. Hog product LARD
18. *Madonna VIRGIN MARY (giving “Virgin Records”)
20. Leave open-mouthed AMAZE
22. Gets under control TAMES
23. *Ivy League professional school COLUMBIA LAW (giving “Columbia Records”)
Columbia University was founded in 1754. Acc ording to history, it is the oldest institution of higher learning in New York.
Columbia Records is a recording label that was founded in 1888. It is the oldest name in recording history.
26. PC brain CPU
CPU stands for Central Processing Unit
29. Skier’s challenge ESS
30. Tuna holder CAN
31. Sci-fi hybrid CYBORG
A cyborg is a being that has both artificial and organic parts. The term is actually short for “cybernetic organism,” coined in the sixties.
33. Running or jumping GERUND
36. Mideast flier EL AL
Israel’s flag carrier is El Al Israel Airlines. “El Al” is actually a Hebrew phrase which means “to the skies.”
37. *Fruity dessert with sweetened crumbs APPLE BROWN BETTY (giving “Apple Records”)
Brown Betty is usually made with apples (though you can use pears or berries too) and layered with sweetened crumbs. Serve it with whipped cream and voila! Perfect dessert! The holidays are coming up you might want to add this to the menu.
42. Wrath, in a hymn IRAE
Dies Irae (Latin for “Day of Wrath”) is a Latin hymn that originated in the 13th century. This medieval Latin poem is known for its rhymed lines and accentual stress. It describes what will happen on judgment day, when the souls saved will claim eternal life and those who are unsaved will be thrown to eternal darkness and flames.
43. Writes to, nowadays EMAILS
I miss those days when stamps were still essential and dropping letters to the post office were still part of errands.
44. Green stuff DO-RE-MI
“Do-Re-Mi” is slang for money.
47. Transfer __ RNA
RNA stands for Ribonucleic Acid. It plays a very important role in coding and decoding genes, as well as sensing and communicating cellular signals and responses.
48. Orchestra site PIT
51. Say more ADD
52. *”The Lord of the Rings” genre EPIC FANTASY (giving “Epic Records”)
“The Lord of the Rings” epic trilogy was a film adaptation of JRR Tolkien’s novels. All 3 films were shot in New Zealand.
56. Liszt or Schubert FRANZ
Franz Liszt, was a teacher, a composer, a conductor, and a marvelous pianist of 19th century Hungary.
57. Plaque honoree DONOR
58. Prize for an aspiring musical artist, perhaps from the first word of the answer to a starred clue RECORD DEAL
63. Avatar of Vishnu RAMA
The supreme God of Hinduism is Vishnu, and he has ten avatars. The most famous of his avatars are Krishna and Rama, the 7th avatar.
64. Congo critter with striped legs OKAPI
The Okapi are fascinating animals with striped legs that may look a bit like zebra stripes, but the truth is they are more related to the giraffe.
65. Golden St. campus UCLA
UCLA is the University of California, Los Angeles. It was founded in 1882.
66. Grace ender AMEN
Amen is a declaration of affirmation that means “truly” or “so be it.” It is the concluding word for prayers and hymns.
67. Concise TERSE
68. Use FedEx, say SHIP
FedEx is a global courier that started in 1973. Its headquarters are in Memphis Tennessee.
69. Male deer HART
The hart is another term that you would call a stag. It’s specifically what you would call a red deer that is more than 5 years of age.
Down Answers
1. Versailles attraction PALACE
Versailles is officially known as the “palace of versailles,” and existed as far back as 1038. It was the seat of political power from 1682 to 1789.
2. Los __: Manhattan Project site ALAMOS
The Manhattan Project produced the very 1st atomic bomb during WWII. It was located in Los Alamos, New Mexico.
3. Pink shades CORALS
4. Invasive vine KUDZU
This climbing and trailing vine is also called the Japanese arrowroot. It can be found on most countries in Eastern and southeast Asia, as well as other Pacific islands.
Lav is short for lavatory.
6. Actor Roth ELI
Eli Roth was called “the future of horror” in 2004 by no other than Quentin Tarantino himself. He played the role of “The Bear Jew” Donny Horowitz in the Tarantino film “Inglourious Basterds.” He also put on thirty five pounds of muscle for that role.
7. Arterial trunk AORTA
8. Kingly REGAL
9. Like the village blacksmith’s hands SINEWY
Blacksmiths are known for their strong, muscly hands and arms because of the type of work they do.
10. Philosophies ISMS
11. Rio automaker KIA
The Kia Motor Corporation has its headquarters in Seoul Korea. It is the 2nd-largest auto manufacturer, Hyundai being the first.
12. Laugh syllable HAR
We prefer Ho Ho Ho! *wink
13. Shunning the spotlight, maybe SHY
19. Computer that may use Snow Leopard IMAC
The Snow Leopard is the 7th operating system for Macintosh computers. It was released in 2009.
21. Toastmaster EMCEE
“Emcee” came from the acronym “MC,” which stands for Master of Ceremonies.
24. Caustic comeback BARB
25. Accustom (to) INURE
26. Firearms pioneer COLT
Samuel Colt of Hartford Connecticut was the founder of the Colt’s Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company, known today as Colt’s Manufacturing Company. In 1847, the Texas Rangers ordered a thousand revolvers from his company during the US war with Mexico. This started the expansion of his business. He died one of the wealthiest men in his time.
27. Backside PRAT
28. Hard to look at UGLY
32. Nectar collectors BEES
33. High spirits GLEE
34. Pierre, e.g. NOM
Nom is the French word for “name.”
35. Friend of Snow White DWARF
Snow White had seven friend dwarfs. This famous fairy tale had A LOT of film adaptations, and each film would have a different set of names for the dwarfs. Perhaps the most famous names came from the 1937 film (Yes, the animated movie from Walt Diseny): Doc, Dopey, Happy, Grumpy, Bashful, Sleepy, and Sneezy.
37. Verdi opera with pyramids AIDA
38. Nudge PROD
39. Tex’s bud PARD
40. NPR correspondent Totenberg NINA
Nina Totenberg is National Public Radio’s (NPR) legal affairs correspondent. She focuses mainly on the US Supreme court, and has earned the nickname “creme de la creme” and “Queen of the Leaks.” Nina Totenberg has also won numerous awards for broadcast journalism.
41. Short on taste BLAND
45. “__ Melodies”: Warner Bros. shorts MERRIE
Merrie Melodies ran from 1931 to 1969, produced by the famous Warner Brothers.
46. Tablet debut of 2010 IPAD
48. Land on an isthmus PANAMA
Panama is located in the southernmost part of Central America. It is surrounded by Costa Rica, Colombia, the Carribean, and the Pacific Ocean. As of the January 2013 census, it has a population of more than 3.6 million.
49. Chemical relative ISOMER
50. Oppressive ruler TYRANT
53. River near Karachi INDUS
The Indus river has a total length of 3,200 kilometers. It is Pakistan’s longest river. It also courses through Northern India, and China, although most of it’s located in Pakistan.
54. Austerlitz native CZECH
Austerlitz is now known as Slavkov u Brna. It was where the Battle of Austerlitz occured, also called as the Battle of the 3 emperors, and was considered to be 1 of Napoleon’s biggest victories.
55. Holy ark contents TORAH
The Torah consists of the 1st 5 books of the Tanakh including Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
56. Dandies FOPS
58. Decompose ROT
59. __ out a living EKE
To “eke” is to make something, like a supply or an amount, last longer by consuming it sparingly.
60. One may be hired CAR
61. Onetime ring king ALI
Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. He was a professional boxer and is considered to be one of history’s greatest heavyweights. He is also famous for his values: His belief of triumph of principle over experience, racial injustice, and religious freedom. He was hailed by Sports Illustrated as the “Sportsman of the Century” and by BBC as the “Sports Personality of the Century.”
62. Track circuit LAP
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