Here is the complete list of answers for the Friday January 17th Los Angeles Times crossword puzzle:
Across Answers
1. Like some tricks CHEAP
6. Beatles nonsense syllables OB-LA
10. Fighting AT IT
14. Sporty Toyota made until 2002 SUPRA
15. Met or Nat NLER
16. Sneeze syllable CHOO
17. Police record listing PRIOR
18. Unhappy parking lot discovery DENT
19. Soupçon HINT
20. Franken and Yankovic, for example? ALS OF LAUGHTER
23. Gp. currently chaired by Obama NSC
24. One-eighty UEY
25. Song syllable TRA
26. Union in D.C., e.g. STA
29. Silver-tongued speaker? SMOOTH ORATOR
32. __ Men: “Who Let the Dogs Out” band BAHA
35. N.Y.C.-Quebec dir. NNE
36. A dispersive one is commonly triangular PRISM
37. Carbon compound ENOL
38. Avian abode AERIE
41. “Pinocchio” goldfish CLEO
42. Numerous, informally LOTSA
44. Longtime NBC staple SNL
45. Viewer EYER
46. “Sorry, the mayo is put on in advance”? IT CAN’T BE HELD
50. Wide shoe spec EEE
51. Spanish bear OSO
52. Trattoria suffix -INI
53. A.L. West team, on scoreboards LAA
56. “Heretics only” apartment building ad? RENT, YE SINNERS
60. Abe or Dick PREZ
62. Emailer’s “Then again …” OTOH
63. Some kids GOATS
64. “The foundation of most governments”: John Adams FEAR
65. Novelist Jaffe RONA
66. Big name in printers EPSON
67. Designated driver’s choice COLA
68. Game in which the player is called the Stranger MYST
69. Navigation hazards REEFS
Down Answers
1. Airer of debates C-SPAN
2. Pitches HURLS
3. Protestant denom. EPISC
4. Buck tail? -AROO
5. Chanel No. 5 bottle word PARFUM
6. At the start ON DAY ONE
7. Sharp cheese BLEU
8. Rope quantity LENGTH
9. Joint: Pref. ARTHRO-
10. Incentive for a warm bath ACHE
11. With great eagerness THIRSTILY
12. Fluoride, for one ION
13. Little kid TOT
21. Soprano Mitchell LEONA
22. Protective cover TARP
27. “Nothing __ here” TO SEE
28. Protective cover ARMOR
29. Dip option SALSA
30. To the point TERSE
31. Not straight ARCED
32. Contradict BELIE
33. Make __ of: jot down A NOTE
34. Breakfast option HOT CEREAL
39. Where Yankee Doodle’s feather ended up IN HIS HAT
40. 1985 Malkovich film ELENI
43. Shortly ANON
47. Bit of forecast shorthand T-STORM
48. Certain young lover, facetiously BOY TOY
49. Hang LINGER
53. Use temporarily LEASE
54. Bach’s “The __ Fugue” ART OF
55. NBA and others ASSNS
57. Poet friend of T.S. EZRA
58. A really long time EONS
59. Slangy denial, and a hint to 20-, 29-, 46- and 56-Across NOPE
60. Rank below cpl. PFC
61. Vintage roadster REO
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