Crossword by: Bruce Venzke
Above is a picture of the completed puzzle for the Tuesday January 7th 2014 L.A. Times crossword and here is a complete list of the clues and their answers:
Across Answers
1. Like many eBay items USED
5. Swing, as trees in the wind SWAY
9. Butler’s belle O’HARA
14. __ contendere: court plea NOLO
15. Keyboard error TYPO
16. Be an omen of AUGUR
17. Colorado Gold Rush motto PIKE’S PEAK OR BUST
20. Jewelry fastener CLASP
21. “__ chic!” TRES
22. Spelling contests BEES
23. Too small, clothing-wise TIGHT
25. Kwik-E-Mart owner on “The Simpsons” APU
27. Looks forward to AWAITS
30. No strangers to the slopes SKI BUMS
34. “How stupid do you think I am?!” GIMME A BREAK!
37. Crooner Cole NAT
38. “Dies __”: Latin hymn IRAE
39. Cooler in coolers ICE
40. Zenith ACME
41. Tuna catcher NET
42. Diet-busting ice cream treat BANANA SPLIT
46. Complaining GRIPING
48. Delhi money RUPEES
49. Make a choice OPT
50. __ minister PRIME
52. Give a high-five to SLAP
55. City near Santa Barbara OJAI
57. Sounded delighted AAHED
61. One who’s not easily convinced TOUGH NUT TO CRACK
64. Results from, with “to” IS DUE
65. Egyptian pyramid city GIZA
66. School on the Thames ETON
67. Jockey’s straps REINS
68. Tofu beans SOYS
69. Claim to be untrue DENY
Down Answers
1. Offensive to some, for short UN-PC
2. Gardener’s purchase SOIL
3. Elderly caretaker in TV’s “Hot in Cleveland” ELKA
4. Pays for one’s crime DOES TIME
5. Octane Booster brand STP
6. “Christina’s World” painter Andrew WYETH
7. Separated APART
8. Oxen neckwear YOKE
9. Dinghy driver OAR
10. Clamor HUBBUB
11. Fever and chills AGUE
12. Sneaky tactic RUSE
13. Creative pursuits ARTS
18. Malice SPITE
19. Honshu metropolis OSAKA
24. Fed. agency that supports other agencies GSA
26. Dental brand suffix -PIK
27. Vintner’s concern AGING
28. Electrician, now and then WIRER
29. Italian violin maker AMATI
30. Observed SEEN
31. Cry of concession UNCLE
32. Dwight’s spouse MAMIE
33. Undoes a dele STETS
35. Crooner Crosby BING
36. Color TV pioneer RCA
40. Became visible APPEARED
42. Marcel Marceau character BIP
43. Playwright Chekhov ANTON
44. D-backs, on scoreboards ARI
45. “Poison” shrub SUMAC
47. Toy weapon POP GUN
50. Backyard party setting PATIO
51. Swanky RITZY
52. Hustle and bustle STIR
53. Get licked LOSE
54. High-end German car AUDI
56. Hooch containers JUGS
58. Detest HATE
59. Subj. for a business major ECON
60. Fashion initials DKNY
62. “__ making a list …” HE’S
63. Post-WWII alliance OAS
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