Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday August 19th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 ”Anaconda” rapper Nicki MINAJ
6 Sizable chunk SLAB
10 ”Yuck!” EWW!
13 Carne follower, in Mexican fare ASADA
14 Roll at the airport TAXI
15 Former Vietnamese emperor Bao __ DAI
16 Reason kept to oneself ULTERIOR MOTIVE
19 Barack Obama, astrologically LEO
20 Old Venetian magistrate DOGE
21 Boy in the first family ABEL
22 Wig out FLIP ONE’S LID
25 Country singer Clark TERRI
28 Cold weather word TEENS
29 Thorny thicket BRIAR PATCH
34 1953 automobile innovation AM/FM RADIO
35 Catch something AIL
38 Put away ATE
39 Some caviar SALMON ROE
42 Johnny Olson catchphrase COME ON DOWN!
43 West Indian sorcery OBEAH
47 Young partner ERNST
53 Low-cost home loan org FNMA
54 Lug HAUL
55 Letters left of center? EPI-
58 Leisurely lakeside activity, and a clue for the circled letters SKIPPING STONES
62 ”If __ again I meet him beard to beard … “: Shak E’ER
63 ”Yuck!” BLEH!
64 Whiz MAVEN
65 Carefree syllable TRA
66 Fun JEST
67 Sarcophagus holder CRYPT
1 Stake-driving hammer MAUL
2 Part of a chain ISLE
3 Defense acronym NATO
4 Thirst quencher ADE
5 Rattle JAR
6 Bend STOOP
7 Slow passage LARGO
8 Guitar players, slangily AXMEN
9 Dust jacket info BIO
10 Safe to put away EDIBLE
11 Encourage to score, as a base runner WAVE IN
12 Brandishes WIELDS
17 First name in despotism IDI
18 Zap TASE
22 Set up FRAME
23 NYC commuter line LIRR
24 Ordinal ending -ETH
25 TV sched. uncertainty TBA
26 Aunt with a “Cope Book” ERMA
27 Divide RIFT
30 El __ PASO
31 Maroon 5 singer Levine ADAM
32 Counter square TILE
33 Lake of Lombardy COMO
35 Auto company founder Citroën ANDRE
36 Golf bag item IRON
37 Not the best of times LOWS
40 Universal donor’s type, briefly O-NEG
41 Uvula doc ENT
42 ”Evita” role CHE
43 Counterbalance OFFSET
44 Loan officer, e.g. BANKER
45 Twain’s New York resting place ELMIRA
46 ”Make it snappy!” ASAP!
49 Country about 12 times longer than its widest point CHILE
50 Underwear brand HANES
51 Zero AUGHT
52 Literary monogram RLS
55 Green attitude? ENVY
56 Sound often not allowed? PEEP
57 ”It __ Right”: 1956 Platters’ hit ISN’T
59 Lunchbox staple, familiarly PBJ
60 Cinephile’s TV choice TMC
61 Tool sometimes used for steering OAR
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