Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday August 30th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Letters before QIA… LGBT
5 “Harrumph!” PSHAW
10 Chance in a box AT BAT
15 “Small world” OH, HI
16 Make it right ATONE
17 First two-time Nobelist CURIE
18 Fat flier? ROUND ROBIN
20 Cuts back TRIMS
21 Suffix with violin -IST
22 For whom Wednesday is named ODIN
23 One of a famous 154 SONNET
24 Ignite START
26 Frozen flier? COLD TURKEY
29 Unpleasant look SNEER
31 Dress down BERATE
32 Metaphorical Donne poem THE FLEA
34 Rand who created Howard Roark AYN
35 Old phone part DIAL
39 Half a matching set HIS
40 Feeble flier? LAME DUCK
43 __ wrongs TWO
44 Bet first OPEN
46 Phil’s twin on “Rugrats” LIL
47 Eyes slyly PEEPS AT
49 Baffler ENIGMA
52 Jet SPRAY
53 Funny flier? SILLY GOOSE
57 “Creed” actress Thompson TESSA
59 Simultaneity UNISON
60 Rick’s “kid” ILSA
62 Comedy club reactions HAS
63 Colorful four-tone toy SIMON
64 Frugal flier? BUDGET HAWK
67 Vintner’s concern AGING
68 Didn’t dine out ATE IN
69 Latin 101 verb AMAT
70 “That’s incorrect” NOT SO
71 “It __ happened yet” HASN’T
72 “So Sick” singer NE-YO
1 Sri Lankan primate LORIS
2 The Flying Dutchman, for one GHOST SHIP
3 Group with an extremely high population? BHUTANESE
4 Sn, on a table TIN
5 Cowpoke’s pal PARD
6 Not easily moved STOIC
7 Fraternize HOBNOB
8 Team’s lack? AN I
9 Harmless cyst WEN
10 Carry on ACT OUT
11 Flush TURN RED
12 Precipice BRINK
13 “Mental Illness” Grammy winner Mann AIMEE
14 Cross TESTY
19 “How about that” DO TELL!
23 Politician’s positions STANCES
25 One sometimes accused of being blind REF
27 Pb, on a table LEAD
28 Stop producing opportunities, as a financial market DRY UP
30 Adjust, as wheels REALIGN
32 Brief while? THO
33 Pal of Picasso AMIGO
36 “So sad!” IT’S A SHAME!
37 Far off A WAYS AWAY
38 Land purchase LOT
41 Muppet who doesn’t use the pronoun “I” ELMO
42 Didn’t give up on KEPT AT
45 __ Column: Trafalgar Square monument NELSON’S
48 Mature leader? PRE-
50 “12 Years a Slave” Oscar winner Lupita __ NYONG’O
51 Thought-revealing drama techniques ASIDES
53 Geena’s “Thelma & Louise” co-star SUSAN
54 Fictional fencer Montoya INIGO
55 Age __ LIMIT
56 Onetime Rolex rival ELGIN
58 Invite as one’s date for ASK TO
61 Email folder SENT
64 “Harrumph!” BAH
65 Acting guru Hagen UTA
66 Role for Harrison HAN
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