Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday January 24th 2020, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Draft category ONE-A
5 Crisply played, in mus. STAC
9 Qatar’s capital DOHA
13 Inflammation treatment CORTISONE
15 Apple product IPOD
16 Blamed for personal advantage THROWN UNDER THE-BUS
20 Sci-fi helmsman SULU
21 Burdened LADEN
24 Portable chair SEDAN
26 “Uno __”: cantina request MAS
27 Fundraising targets ALUMNI
29 Boar’s mate SOW
31 Punch with force, maybe GIVE A FAT-LIP
35 Greatly beloved ones GEMS
38 He reunited with his fictional ex on Valentine’s Day in 2011 KEN
39 Ibuprofen brand ADVIL
41 Backboard attachment RIM
42 Place Sundance liked to see ETTA
44 Chanoyu ceremony essential JAPANESE-TEA
47 Kazakhstan, once: Abbr. SSR
49 Waste time DAWDLE
50 __ store APP
53 Many an Indian HINDU
57 Green MOOLA
58 Game with two secret passages CLUE
60 Advice COUNSEL
62 Hotel amenity, and a hint to three puzzle answers TURNDOWN SERVICE
67 They can make you better, briefly MEDS
68 Basically IN ESSENCE
69 Annoyance PEST
70 Do, for example NOTE
71 Cutty __ SARK
1 Fall mo. OCT
2 Kabuki kin NOH
3 Give the wrong change, say ERR
4 Acts of reparation ATONEMENTS
6 Talks up TOUTS
7 Musical in which FDR is a character ANNIE
8 Gave up CEDED
9 Board mem. DIR
10 Expresses a preference (for) OPTS
11 Blah HO-HUM
12 “A Passage to India” heroine ADELA
14 “Lemme!” I WANNA
17 Age relatives ERAS
18 Clear BUS
21 Delay LAG
22 Not quite identical ALIKE
23 Comforter DUVET
25 It’s often served with nutmeg NOG
28 “… __ woodchuck could chuck wood?” IF A
30 Subjects of European trials during the Renaissance WEREWOLVES
32 Wd. ending in -less ADJ
33 FDR power plan TVA
34 Backtalk LIP
36 Botch MISDO
37 Common sense? SMELL
40 Bloke LAD
43 It may be tapped into a tray ASH
45 Parents, usually NAMERS
46 High __ TEA
48 P.R. part RICO
50 Appear ACT
51 Fluff, as pillows PLUMP
52 Blender button PUREE
54 Hopeless NO-WIN
55 “Beats me!” DUNNO
56 Up in the air UNSET
59 Aims ENDS
61 Zaire’s Mobutu __ Seko SESE
63 It ends shortly after 1-Down: Abbr. DST
64 __ moment IN A
65 “Bad Moon Rising” band, briefly CCR
66 “A rat!” EEK
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