Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday January 26th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Big sister? ABBESS
7. Way more than a whimper BAWL
11. Pixie ELF
14. Circus equipment STILTS
15. Online marketplace EBAY
16. Madhouse ZOO
17. First U.S. national park YELLOWSTONE
19. Syncopated piece RAG
20. Calvin Klein or Perry Ellis LABEL
21. Caution WARN
22. Spilled the beans SANG
23. Love personified AMOR
24. Letter writing, some say LOST ART
26. Oenophile’s concern YEAR
28. Bear with a purple bow tie BOO BOO
32. “Yada yada yada” letters ETC
35. Co-star of the 1955 comedy “How to Be Very, Very Popular” SHEREE NORTH
38. Revolutionary murdered in a tub MARAT
40. Groom’s garb TUX
41. Generous slices SLABS
42. Subject of a 19th-century famine IRISH POTATO
45. Menu general TSO
46. Tar pits site LA BREA
47. “Pretty please?” CAN I?
49. Che’s given name ERNESTO
52. State-spanning rds. TPKS
56. Cross by wading FORD
59. Digging INTO
60. The good dishes CHINA
61. “The Mikado” band? OBI
62. Aquanaut’s workplace … or a hint to what’s graphically represented four times in this puzzle UNDERSEA LAB
64. Dram NIP
65. Thailand, once SIAM
66. Recess ALCOVE
67. Fictional vigilante’s mark ZEE
68. Ballpark figs. ESTS
69. Christian of “Mr. Robot” SLATER
1. Sanctuaries ASYLA
2. Substitute players B-TEAM
3. Frodo inherited his ring BILBO
4. Queen of mystery ELLERY
5. Small-runway aircraft acronym STOL
6. Spokane-to-Walla Walla dir. SSW
7. Software to debug BETAS
8. Scrub, at NASA… ABORT
9. Aspirant WANNABE
10. Drano compound LYE
11. Biblical reformer EZRA
12. Library transaction LOAN
13. “Around the World … ” hero FOGG
18. Affirmed in court SWORE TO
22. Happy hour perch STOOL
24. __-di-dah LAH
25. Lighter brand RONSON
27. Bible book read during Purim ESTHER
29. Frank’s cousin BRAT
30. Gambling parlors, for short OTBS
31. Very OH SO
32. Expressionist painter Nolde EMIL
33. Plantation near Twelve Oaks TARA
34. Nursery purchase CRIB
36. Rural road feature RUT
37. One demanding payment, say EXACTOR
39. Comparable to a beet AS RED
43. Pressed sandwiches PANINIS
44. Confucian ideal TAO
48. Cornell’s city ITHACA
50. Conclude by END AT
51. Parts of some flutes :STEMS
53. First of a series PILOT
54. __ of Hearts, accused tarts thief KNAVE
55. Cavalry sword SABER
56. With “the,” TV character who first jumped the shark–literally FONZ
57. Village Voice award OBIE
58. Harvest-ready RIPE
60. Spreadsheet box CELL
62. Employ USE
63. KLM rival SAS
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