Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday January 6th 2017, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Carnival Cruise Line headquarters MIAMI
6 Net gain? GOAL
10 One often taking a bow GIFT
14 How many crosswords are solved IN PEN
15 Plot to plow ACRE
16 Creepy look OGLE
20 Young Skywalker’s nickname ANI
21 “At Wit’s End” columnist Bombeck ERMA
22 Like Cheerios OATEN
27 Liked a lot, with “up” ATE
28 Taqueria order TOSTADA
31 A3 or Q7… AUDI
34 Leave DEPART
37 Whistle-blower REF
38 Way around the block? SHUNT
40 Luau band LEI
41 Meatball medium SAUCE
43 Roll in the yard SOD
44 Inn crowd option RAMADA
47 Cause of some closings SNOW
48 HBO drama set in Baltimore THE WIRE
50 __ Friday’s TGI
58 Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque prayer OMANI
60 Sci-fi navigator SULU
61 Gen __ XER
66 Number of times a horse can enter the Kentucky Derby ONCE
67 “Dies __” IRAE
68 Copy, in a way TRACE
69 Essen’s region RUHR
70 Celebrate an anniversary, say, with “out” DINE
71 Secretly watch SPY ON
1 Hebrew prophet MICAH
2 Absurd INANE
3 __ fool APRIL
4 Club __ MED
5 Take in INGEST
6 Harmful ray type GAMMA
7 More than 70% of Earth’s surface OCEAN
8 Lab greeting ARF!
9 “Ars gratia artis” is written in an arc around his head LEO
10 Zoom along GO FAST
11 “Time for me to split” I GOTTA RUN
12 Smoke passage FLUE
13 Gull relative TERN
18 Carrying, so to speak ARMED
19 Hen holders ROOSTS
24 Common street name MAIN
25 Strait-laced STAID
26 __ ejemplo POR
29 Geometric art style DECO
30 Several A FEW
31 Start of a subordinate title: Abbr. ASST
32 “You meant 8 p.m. not a.m.?” UH-OH
33 Vacation spot with horseback riding DUDE RANCH
35 Toon often seen in a hunting hat ELMER
36 Shelled veggie PEA
39 “Jeopardy!” staple TRIVIA
42 Flaws and all AS IS
45 Is for everyone? ARE
46 Bikini in the Pacific, e.g. ATOLL
49 It starts a bit before Christmas WINTER
51 Astronauts’ gear G-SUITS
53 Channel with a “Congressional Chronicle” online archive C-SPAN
54 Kolkata cash RUPEE
55 Slangy refusal IXNAY
56 Wafer brand NECCO
57 Place to find a flag GREEN
58 Le Pew’s defense ODOR
59 Dish list MENU
63 Limit LID
64 Jackie O’s second ARI
65 “Shirt Front and Fork” artist ARP
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