Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday July 13th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Adobe extension PDF
4. Food EATS
8. Formal affirmation IT IS SO
14. Amazement AWE
15. “Logan” superheroes X-MEN
16. Bib, essentially NAPKIN
17. Cooking acronym PAM
18. Calendar model’s argument? PINUP’S POINT
20. First word of The Beach Boys’ “Kokomo” ARUBA
22. David Caruso starred in the Miami version CSI
23. __ periculo: at my own risk MEO
24. Ones who curry favor in Cannes? FRENCH KISS-UPS
29. Jackie portrayer on “Nurse Jackie” EDIE
30. Spike TV, once TNN
31. He finished hosting “The Tonight Show” 12 years before Fallon was born PAAR
34. Tool points NIBS
37. Long past OLDEN
41. Booms in the poultry industry? CHICKEN UPSWINGS
44. Wrap label SARAN
45. Isaac’s eldest ESAU
46. Extended tale SAGA
47. “Just joking!” NOT!
49. Narrow cut SLIT
51. Northern New York gallery, say? UPSTATE MUSEUM
57. Latin lover’s word AMO
58. Cup holder? BRA
59. Seller of spots AD REP
61. Package on the porch … or what’s been brought to 18-, 24-, 41- and 51-Across UPS DELIVERY
66. Main man BRO
67. Snicker TEE-HEE
68. Anticipatory times EVES
69. Beauty preceder? AGE
70. Small stock purchase ODD LOT
71. Pudding starch SAGO
72. Amount realized NET
1. Smurf with a red hat PAPA
2. Fictional miner DWARF
3. Longest human bone FEMUR
4. Open a satellite shop, say EXPAND
5. Bizet’s buddy AMI
6. Base __ TEN
7. Moved furtively SNUCK
8. Demand INSIST
9. One in a pub lineup TAP
10. Google’s was in 2004, briefly IPO
11. Be very thrifty SKIMP
12. Trig functions SINES
13. In the know about ONTO
19. Penultimate Greek letter PSI
21. Six-pack makeup BEER CANS
25. Picture at Cannes CINE
26. “Die Lorelei” poet HEINE
27. __ day: school contingency SNOW
28. Not in the book UNLISTED
31. Cubicle fixtures PCS
32. “I got it!” AHA!
33. It’s all around you AIR
35. School __ BUS
36. Unavoidable jerk SPASM
38. What might reveal the answer to “Who’s your daddy?” DNA
39. Custard base EGG
40. Org. that abhors leaks :NSA
42. Windsor, for one KNOT
43. “Star Trek” lieutenant SULU
48. Smartphone alternative TABLET
50. Parental words of finality I SAY SO
51. Decided on a diamond UMPED
52. Sat POSED
53. Start to cycle? TRI-
54. Wasp nest sites EAVES
55. __ Dictionary URBAN
56. Road sign with a double-tailed arrow MERGE
57. One on a driveway AUTO
60. One who works with feet POET
62. FedEx alternative DHL
63. Want ad abbr. EEO
64. Actress Gabor EVA
65. Gas pump spec. REG
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