Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday July 20th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Looking to start something new, maybe BORED
6. Syria’s Bashar al-__ ASSAD
11. Ed. promoters PTAS
15. Combined IN ONE
16. Some Strads CELLI
17. Minor overhead? URSA
18. Torch fuel? GAS OF THE OLYMPIAD
21. Refreshing drinks ADES
22. Georgetown athlete HOYA
23. Is not wrong? AIN’T
24. Rest, in a way SIT
25. Tragedy involving a Milne character? ROO AND JULIET
29. Things to hang onto KEEPERS
31. Suffer AIL
32. Can opener TAB
33. Reserved STAID
34. Noble title EARL
36. Sylvia of jazz SYMS
37. Drawing by Buffalo Bill? CODY SKETCH
41. Spit spots, for short BBQS
44. Smidge IOTA
45. “In what way?” HOW SO?
49. Greek cross TAU
50. Decline SAG
51. Amp transporters ROADIES
53. Spectator sport aboard a UFO? WRESTLING ETS
57. Whale group GAM
58. Fix, as a toy SPAY
59. A pop EACH
60. Gulf Canada alternative ESSO
61. “No comment!” … and a hint to four puzzle answers LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS!
65. Facility EASE
66. 1951 Reagan co-star BONZO
67. Cell terminal ANODE
68. Slightly A TAD
69. Burden-bearing beasts ASSES
70. Supported, as a weak ankle TAPED
1. Major requests BIG ASKS
2. Losing purposely ON A DIET
3. Floral brew ROSE TEA
4. Son of Seth ENOS
5. Dict. offering DEF
6. Ones bringing blessings? ACHOOS
7. “Later!” SEE YA!
8. “McSorley’s Bar” artist SLOAN
9. From A to Z… ALL
10. Handy initials DIY
11. Star __ PUPIL
12. Fundamental doctrine of Christianity TRINITY
13. Together AS A TEAM
14. Down SAD
19. Superhero with a hammer THOR
20. Spike __: railroad worker’s tool MAUL
25. More than fix up REDO
26. Take the plunge DARE
27. Dump JILT
28. “Conan” channel TBS
30. Snaps PICS
34. No. from a builder EST
35. Sometimes called, for short AKA
36. Booted, say SHOD
38. Lifebuoy competitor DIAL
39. Classic Yankee nickname YOGI
40. Chuck alternative CHAS
41. “Incidentally,” in texts BTW
42. It’s often a high chair BAR SEAT
43. Granada greeting QUE PASA?
46. Top secret store? WIG SHOP
47. Coast SEASIDE
48. Diffused through a membrane OSMOSED
50. Ophthalmologist’s concern STYE
51. Right-hand pages RECTOS
52. Second emperor after Nero OTHO
54. Backed up SAVED
55. Bright signs NEONS
56. First-aid kit item GAUZE
60. Sicilian tourist attraction ETNA
61. Field LEA
62. Finance deg. MBA
63. Sister of the moon goddess Selene EOS
64. Thick FAT
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