Welcome to the Friday November 1st LA Times crossword puzzle answers!
Across Answers
1. Turn over CAPSIZE
8. Copes MAKES DO
15. Banned ILLEGAL
16. “To reiterate …” AS I SAID
17. *Dive, surface, dive, surface, etc.? ROUTINE (SUB ROUTINE from “subroutine”)
18. *Lab growth below sea level? CULTURE (SUB CULTURE from “subculture”)
19. Item in a tent COT
20. French spa town VICHY
Vichy is located in France, and is known as a spa town right in the middle of France.
22. Some amber orders ALES
23. Zenith APOGEE
Apogee is defined as the highest, or farthest point of something.
25. Syria’s Bashar al-__ ASSAD
Bashar Al-Assad was elected president of Syria unopposed in 2000, when his father died. He was also appointed as the leader of the army and the Ba’ath party. The support he got was a total of 97%. In 2007, he again won as president for a new 7-year term.
28. Lorelei, notably LURER
Lorelei was a mermaid who would sing to fishermen to lure them to their death.
30. *Underwater speaker? WOOFER (SUB WOOFER from “subwoofer”)
34. Invite to one’s tree house ASK UP
37. Wilde’s “An __ Husband” IDEAL
“An Ideal Husband” was a story about political corruption and blackmail. This comedic play was written by Oscar Wilde in 1895 and it became extremely popular with the audience.
39. At least one ANY
40. *Story line for “The Hunt for Red October”? PLOT (SUB PLOT from “subplot”)
“The Hunt For Red October” is a novel written by Tom Clancy published in 1984. The story revolved aroun CIA analyst Jack Ryan and Marko Aleksandrovich, the captain of the Soviet submarine. It was a phenomenal success, and it also helped that President Ronal Reagan was very public in praising the book, saying that it’s “unputdown-able.”
41. *Hatch? ENTRY (SUB ENTRY from “subentry”)
42. *Underwater lateral surface? SIDE (SUB SIDE from “subside”)
43. Ages EON
An aeon, or an eon is equal to a thousand million years.
44. Bob Barker’s longtime sidekick Johnny OLSON
“The Price is Right” started in 1972, and its announcer was Johnny Olson, and he remained as its announcer until his death in 1985.
45. Clearance events SALES
46. *Position on naval warfare? STANCE (SUB STANCE from “substance”)
48. Lose it GO MAD
50. Bivouac ETAPE
Bivouacs are temporary camps often for mountaineers or soldiers. They don’t have tents or covers.
Etape is a french word for “stage.” This is what troops the camps they stay overnight on, as they march to battle or a war.
52. Starting lineups A-TEAMS
56. Toll rd. TPKE
A turnpike is another term that you would call a toll gate. It was also the spiked barrier placed across the road used as defence against an enemy attack during battle.
59. Nintendo ancestor ATARI
Atari is actually a Japanese verb which translates to “to hit the target.” The Atari can be considered a pioneer in arcade games, and it helped shape the electronic entertainment we now have.
It was hugely popular in the eighties.
61. Caviar, e.g. ROE
Caviar is roe of the sturgeon (and some other fishes), salted and processed. This delicacy is used etither as garnish or spread, especially on hors d’oeuvres.
62. *Sonar reading? HEADING (SUB HEADING from “subheading”)
65. *Message from beneath the surface? MISSIVE (SUB MISSIVE from “submissive”)
67. In real trouble UP A TREE
68. Flavored, like some vodka INFUSED
69. Comebacks RETORTS
70. Convertible couches DAY BEDS
Down Answers
1. Word for a rough date CIRCA
The word “circa” is widely used to refer to a certain period of time. “Circa” is actually a Latin word that means the same thing… “Near,” or “about the time of.”
2. Throw for __ A LOOP
3. Demotion in 2006 news PLUTO
In 2006, astronomers agreed that Pluto was no longer a planet, but just a “dwarf planet,” just like 44 others floating around in the solar system.
4. *Scenery for “Operation Petticoat”? SET (SUB SET from “subset”)
Operation Petticoat was directed by Blake Edwards in 1959, and it starred Tony Curtis as Lieutenant Nick Holden and Cary Grant as United States Navy Rear Admiral Matt Sherman. The movie was set in the Philippines. Haven’t seen it yet, but it looks mighty interesting, especially since it’s a comedy film.
5. “Uncle!” I GIVE UP!
6. More wacky ZANIER
7. Util. bill item ELEC
“Elec” is short for “electric.”
8. Annual parade sponsor MACY’S
The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was a tradition that started in 1924. It is, by far, the 2nd oldest parade for Thanksgiving in the US. However, it was briefly suspended for two years (from 1942 to 1944) as there was a heavy need for helium and rubber at the time of Word War II, to support war necessities.
9. Sch. with a Mesa campus ASU
ASU stands for Arizona State University, founded in 1885. Its original name was the Tempe Normal School for the Arizona Territory. Iin 1945, it was changed to Arizona State College, and in 1958, it was changed to its present name due to a statewide ballot measure.
10. 3,280.8 ft. KIL
1 kilometer measures 3,280.8 feet.
11. Sonora, por ejemplo ESTADO
Sonora is one of the states (estados) in Mexico. “Por Ejemplo” is “for example” in English.
12. King David’s predecessor SAUL
13. Dreadful DIRE
14. Stanzas of tribute ODES
21. How some singles play HARD TO GET
24. Flood GLUT
26. Vacillate SWAY
27. IM provider AOL
AOL stands for “American On Line.” IM stands for “instant message.”
29. Fifth of fünf EINS
Fünf is five in German. Eins means one.
31. Fall flat FAIL
32. German finale ENDE
33. Grains used by brewers and bakers RYES
34. Copycats APES
35. One in a Vegas row SLOT
Slot machines, in my opinion, are just one of the ways for Casinos to take your money away from you–slowly and steadily.
36. Hawaiian coffee-growing district KONA
Kona Coffee, cultivated in the South Kona Districts of Hawaii, is actually one of the world’s most expensive coffees.
38. Cube maker Rubik ERNO
Erno Rubik wasn’t famous for just one invention (The Rubik’s Cube–although it’s the most famous), he also invented other mechanical puzzles such as the Rubik’s Magic, Rubik’s 360, and Rubik’s Snake.
41. Where Zeno taught ELEA
Zeno was a Greek philosopher who was also a native of Elea. Aristotle referred to him as the “inventor of the dialectic.” He was also an Eleatic School member, a school which was founded by Parmenides, also Elean born and a Greek philosopher.
42. Nigerian-born Grammy winner SADE
Sade has had a total of 6 multi-platinum albums, 4 Grammy awards, and has sold almost forty million albums.
44. Mo. for many Libras OCT
Libra, the 7th sign of the zodiac, and is the birth sign of people born from September 23rd to October 22nd.
45. Fulfill SATISFY
47. Must NEED TO
49. Berth place MARINA
51. Leaves PAGES
53. Leave one’s seat ARISE
54. Left town, maybe MOVED
55. Feeder filler SEEDS
56. Schedule abbr. THUR
Thur is the abbreviation of Thursday, the fourth (or fifth–depending on certain countries/religions) day of the week. It was derived from the name of Thor, the Norse god associated with strength, storms, lightning and thunder.
57. Skunk Le Pew PEPE
Pepe Le Pew is one of the fictional characters of Warner Brothers Looney Tunes. It first appeared in 1945, strolling around Paris searching for love. He’s a skunk so naturally he stinks. And he doesn’t know how to take no for an answer. Bad combination…
58. ’50s-’80s pitcher Jim “Kitty” __ KAAT
60. Hemmed in by AMID
63. Discount tag abbr. IRR
Irr is the abbreviation for “irregular”
64. Entomologist’s tool NET
Entomology is the study of insects.
66. Prefix for the answers to starred clues, and word needed for those clues to make sense SUB (and “sub-”)
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