Crossword by: Marti DuGuay-Carpenter & Jerome Gunderson and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Friday October 11th 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! Today’s themed answers are pretty ‘unky’. The themed answers are common phrases with a ‘K’ chucked on the end for some extra fun or should we say funk. The themed answers are: Attila The Hunk, Have Some Funk, Jumps The Gunk and Hamburger Bunk.
Across Answers
1. Auto club offering TOW
4. Gregory Peck role AHAB
Gregory Peck played the role of Captain Ahab in the 1956 film Moby Dick. He wasn’t widely acceptedas the villain as he always played the good man on his previous movies. Tthere were critics who said he wasn’t believable because he was too young for the part. He was 38 when he played as Captain Ahad in the film.
8. Foster on a screen JODIE
Jodie Foster began her career as an actress at a very young age. While filming “Napoleon and Samantha” in 1972, Miss Foster was attacked by a lion and was even carried in its mouth for a brief amount of time. She is fluent in French, and has won various awards from different organizations in the film industry.
13. Stretches of history ERAS
An era is defined as a significant period of time.
15. He actually played the lyre NERO
Rumor has it that when the great fire consumed ancient Rome, Nero played the fiddle. But that simply isn’t true, as the fiddle still didn’t exist at that time. What he played was the lyre, and it isn’t so weird knowing Nero was known to be such a cruel ruler.
16. Amherst sch. UMASS
The University of Massachusetts, founded in 1869, is located in Amherst, and has a student population of more than twenty seven thousand.
17. Two-time NBA MVP Steve NASH
Steve Nash is considered too short for the NBA, but is one of its most notable players to date. He is Canadian and when he was drafted, he ranked 15th, which was the highest for Canadian players in the NBA.
18. Component of ocean H2O NACL
NaCL is Sodium Chloride.
19. Lawn game using lobbed missiles JARTS
Jarts, or lawn darts, is usually played in a lawn or a grassy area, meant for two teams or players. It has two targets, wherein if it lands within the target (rings), the player or the team scores a point.
20. Buff ancient ruler? ATTILA THE HUN(K)
Attila ruled the Huns from the year 434 until he died in 453. He was a feared enemy to the Romans, and was able to win many battles.
23. Attorney general before Thornburgh MEESE
Ed Meese III was the 75th United States Attorney General
24. Yank’s foe REB
25. Dudes HES
28. Own a few James Brown albums? HAVE SOME FUN(K)
James Brown was inducted in 2000 into the Songrwriters Hall Of Fame, and was voted in a 2008 Rolling Stone poll as the 10th greatest singer of the rock era.
33. Fez, e.g. HAT
The fez is a type of red felt hat that is short and cylindrical in shape, very popular among Greeks and Arabs.
36. Bankruptcy factor DEBT
37. Polynesian island nation SAMOA
38. “Break __!” A LEG
40. Fare named for its shape T-BONE
43. Fabric quantity BOLT
44. Mother of three French kings JOAN I
Joan of Navarre is the queen regnant of Navarre and the queen consort of France. She was married to Philip IV, and they had 4 children together–three of whom became kings: Louis X, Philip V, Charles IV. The fourth was their daughter Isabella, who became queen consort of England when she married Edward II of England.
46. Shiny fabric LAME
48. Arctic coast explorer RAE
John Rae is of Scotthis decent, and was a doctor, but nevertheless went on various expeditions and was known for his survival skills out in the wild. He was the one who discovered the ill fate of the Franklin Expedition.
49. Leaps over an oily mud puddle? JUMPS THE GUN(K)
53. DSL user’s need ISP
ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line
54. Mao’s successor HUA
Hua Guofeng’s real name was Su Zhu, and was the designated successor of Mao Zedong. He was in office from 1976 to 1981. He died in 2008.
55. Sticky-footed lizard GECKO
Geckos lick their eyes to keep them moist and clean, as they don’t have the ability to blink.
59. Beef baloney? HAMBURGER BUN(K)
64. Botanist’s category FLORA
66. Dweeb NERD
67. Size measure AREA
68. Competitor’s dream TITLE
69. A bit off the ground, “up” TEED
70. Sound like an ass BRAY
71. Bobbin SPOOL
72. Ketel One competitor SKYY
Down Answers
1. Common break hr. TEN AM
2. Speak ORATE
3. Refuse WASTE
4. “Pitch Perfect” co-star Kendrick ANNA
Miss Kendrick was the only actress nominated for an Oscar in the Twilight Saga.
5. Summer phenomenon HEAT
6. Curved support ARCH
7. Short jacket BOLERO
8. Concession stand candy JUJUBES
The Jujubes are a popular gummy candy in the US.
9. Easternmost Arabian Peninsula country OMAN
Oman is bordered by the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Iran. The Oman coast is popular for its sandy beaches, and it is frequented by dolphins and turtles.
10. “Dr. Strangelove” feature DARK HUMOR
Dr. Strangelove is a movie that satirizes the nuclear scare. This British-American film was released in 1964 and stars Peter Sellers and George C. Scott.
11. Adherent’s suffix -IST
12. Start to stop? ESS
The first letter in “Stop” is ess (S)
14. With 52-Down, grilled fare SHISH
21. Take control LEAD
22. Bottom line? HEM
26. __ Gay ENOLA
The Enola Gay was the first aircraft in history to drop an atomic bomb at Hiroshima. It was named after the pilot’s mother.
27. Ray in the ocean SKATE
29. Boxer’s attendant VET
30. Fall back EBB
31. It’s a wrap STOLE
32. “Terrif!” FAB!
33. Pilgrim to Mecca HAJJI
Going on a pilgrimage to Mecca will earn you the title “Hajji.”
34. Diamond clan ALOUS
The brothers Alou, Jesus, Felipe, and Matty, all played major league baseball. Jesus’ son, Moises, also became a player.
35. Trophy case memento TEAM PHOTO
39. Econ. measure GNP
GNP stands for Gross National Product
41. Bug NAG
42. Earthbound bird EMU
The emu is the second largest bird in the world. It is commonly seen in Australia.
45. Crewman for 4-Across ISHMAEL
The name of the narrator in Moby Dick is Ishmael
47. Tech sch. grad ENGR
Engr is short fo engineer
50. Slow boat TUB
51. Hangs around the house? HAUNTS
52. See 14-Down KEBAB
56. Pungent Thai dish CURRY
Curry is a popular dish in many Asian countries.
57. Play with, as clay KNEAD
58. Gives the go-ahead OKAYS
60. First name in folk ARLO
Arlo Guthrie is a popular folk singer in the US, and the son of Woody Guthrie. In the Welcome Back to Brooklyn Festival in 2001, he was given the name “King Of Brooklyn.”
61. Cause wrinkles, in a way REEK
62. Joel of “Wicked” GREY
Joel Grey played the role of the Wizard in Wicked! the musical in 1973.
63. Water whirled EDDY
64. Some mil. bases FTS
Fts is short for “forts.” Forts are what you call some military bases.
65. Edge LIP
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