Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday October 14th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Talked into, with “on” SOLD
5 Calyx part SEPAL
10 Typical artist’s apartment LOFT
14 Samoan capital APIA
15 Amtrak option ACELA
16 Cabinet dept. formed under Carter ENER
17 Doughnut order from a king? LION’S DOZEN
19 Fifty percent up front? DEMI-
20 Recorded ON TAPE
21 GPS info RTE
23 Pisa possessive MIO
24 Recording device METER
25 Musicians given to tippling? BOOZY BAND
28 Writer LeShan EDA
29 Is next to ABUTS
31 Sergeant Bilko, to friends ERNIE
32 Tapestry thread WEFT
33 Saturn models IONS
34 Set of data within an atmospheric analysis? TABLE FOR OZONE
40 Quarterback Tony ROMO
41 Swamplike MIRY
42 Protection against Mr. Decay Germ, in old ads IPANA
44 Continued violently RAGED
45 MDX ÷ X… CLI
48 Occupants of a well-insulated nest? COZY YOUNG
50 One of the Coen brothers ETHAN
52 ”10538 Overture” gp. ELO
53 Ocean bird ERN
54 Gets rid of SCRAPS
55 M’s favorite agent BOND
57 How perfume is sold … and this puzzle’s title BY THE OUNCE
60 Commercial exchange fee AGIO
61 Ames native IOWAN
62 Future ENT’s exam MCAT
63 ”You’ve Got Mail” co-star RYAN
64 Grabs SNAGS
65 Turtles, sometimes PETS
1 Biblical seductress SALOME
2 Offered a view OPINED
3 Shoeless Joe Jackson portrayer in “Field of Dreams” LIOTTA
4 Mother of Perseus DANAE
5 Marquis de __ SADE
6 Prefix with friendly ECO-
7 Product with a Simpsons set PEZ
8 Last Olds models ALEROS
9 Andy Panda creator LANTZ
10 Took charge LED
11 Two-run homer situation ONE MAN ON
12 Like “executrix,” e.g. FEMININE
13 Old TV parts TRIODES
18 Urban __ SPRAWL
22 ”Beauty is bought by judgement of the __”: Shakespeare EYE
25 Fit and muscular BUFF
26 Certain footrest OTTOMAN
27 Verve BRIO
30 Quilting party BEE
34 Math branch concerned with surfaces TOPOLOGY
35 Rain forest region AMAZONIA
36 Beyond slender BONY
37 Former PBS “Mystery!” host RIGG
38 Extractable natural resource ORE
39 Louisiana genre featuring the accordion ZYDECO
40 Grain-based treat RICE BAR
43 ”Understood, Cap’n” AYE
44 His stories inspired “Guys and Dolls” RUNYON
45 Luck CHANCE
46 Pet that needs a sitter? LAP CAT
47 Many Alaska maps INSETS
49 ”__ non sufficit”: the world is not enough ORBIS
51 Outdo TRUMP
54 Beltway VIPs SENS
56 Put on DON
58 BOAC competitor TWA
59 Storied cauldron stirrer HAG
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