Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday October 20th 2017, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Kind of rain or rock ACID
5. Affect profoundly AWE
8. Often-converted residence LOFT
12. Like the “funny bone” nerve ULNAR
14. Poet Silverstein SHEL
15. Declare firmly AVER
16. Early sustenance for Bruce Wayne? GOTHAM MILK
18. Country where Quechua is spoken PERU
19. Great Plains native UTE
20. Pluto quintet MOONS
21. Gets on the wrong train, say ERRS
22. Handing a St. Louis team an embarrassing loss? SHAMING THE BLUES
26. Mother with a Nobel prize TERESA
27. Fight in the backwoods RASSLE
28. Vacation fill-in: Abbr. ASST
29. Message often included in its response EMAIL
32. Central Dallas? ELS
33. Tribal VIP’s family? SHAMAN KIN
37. Elastic wood ASH
40. Sister magazine of Jet EBONY
41. God with a quiver EROS
45. Where the groom may walk down the aisle STABLE
47. Soi-__: self-styled DISANT
49. Easy out in rodent baseball? POP-UP TO A HAMSTER
53. Components of 56-Across HOPS
54. Quartet member VIOLA
55. Org. with Jungians APA
56. Malt creations ALES
57. Went all out on stage … or a hint to the four other longest puzzle answers HAMMED IT UP
59. Ticket booth sight LINE
60. Protected, in a way ALEE
61. Sister of Thalia ERATO
62. Hardy heroine TESS
63. Perception-changing drug LSD
64. Letter heading abbr. ATTN
1. Masters course AUGUSTA
2. Fabled emperor’s lack CLOTHES
3. Emotionally overwhelmed IN TEARS
4. Morse “T” DAH
5. “Can’t you take __?” A HINT
6. Like Roald Dahl, by birth WELSH
7. Yellowstone grazer ELK
8. Settings for small American flags LAPELS
9. Do to death OVERUSE
10. Voice of President Business in “The Lego Movie” FERRELL
11. Bridge supports TRUSSES
13. “Ghostbusters” actor RAMIS
14. Air quality issue SMOG
17. Lisa’s title MONA
23. Team whose mascot’s head is a baseball METS
24. Viking history VIP… ERIK
25. Island near Java BALI
29. Confessional music genre EMO
30. Anthropologist’s subject MAN
31. Whichever ANY
34. Give a hand HELP
35. Assist badly? ABET
36. Storied loch NESS
37. It might be on the road for years ASPHALT
38. Cop’s info source STOOLIE
39. Stumbles (upon) HAPPENS
42. Snare drum sound RAT-A-TAT
43. Feature of many a birdie ONE PUTT
44. Secure, as a knapsack STRAP ON
46. Smooches BUSSES
47. Glen relative DALE
48. “__ these wars for Egypt”: Antony I MADE
50. Shapes formed by angled spotlights OVALS
51. Zeroed in AIMED
52. Telecommuter’s workplace HOME
57. Clarke computer HAL
58. Nest egg acronym IRA
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