Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday October 5th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Take to the cleaners HOSE
5. Lay low HID
8. Pretty companion? PLEASE
14. Windows alternative UNIX
15. Drop the ball ERR
16. Dragster’s wheels HOT ROD
17. Wedding ring? HORA
18. Class-conscious org.? NEA
19. Charge ACCUSE
20. “Wow!” (2) MAN!
22. Actress Kate (2) MARA
24. Cal. column (2) MON
25. Univ. aides (1) TAS
28. Damage (1) MAR
30. Helpless? (1) SOLO
32. Infamous Amin IDI
33. Constriction of the eye’s pupil MIOSIS
35. Apple’s apple, e.g. LOGO
39. Hail, to Hadrian AVE
40. All over again ANEW
41. “I’ll second that” AMEN
42. Result of polar ice melt graphically shown by the second part of six two-part puzzle answers RISING SEA LEVELS
47. Isn’t idle ACTS
48. Deep blue ANIL
49. Track meet segment LAP
50. Authenticity emblem SEAL
51. Parlor furniture item SETTEE
53. Hot time in Haiti ETE
54. Sinusitis docs (2) ENTS
56. Author Fleming (2) IAN
57. Sign of nerves, maybe (2) TIC
58. Happy hour spot (1) BAR
61. Many an Omani (1) ARAB
63. Remaining loan amt. (1) BAL
65. Individually APIECE
67. Dug, with “up” ATE
69. Big times ERAS
73. A through E, at times WIDTHS
74. Sprout LAD
75. Courteous NICE
76. Snares with a loop LASSOS
77. Med. show locales ERS
78. Serve sparingly, with “out” DOLE
1. “Say what?” HUH?
2. Dedicatee of Lennon’s “Woman” ONO
3. McCartney’s title SIR
4. Checkup EXAM
5. Applying a temporary tattoo HENNAING
6. Boiling state IRE
7. Scotch serving DRAM
8. Seven Wonders lighthouse PHAROS
9. One from town LOCAL
10. “Yada yada yada” letters ETC
11. Jack-in-the-pulpit family ARUM
12. Fair SO-SO
13. First place? EDEN
21. Mideast capital AMMAN
23. Faulkner’s “__ Lay Dying” AS I
25. Pageant toppers TIARAS
26. It may be unsolicited ADVICE
27. Daybreak? SIESTA
29. Agile deer ROES
31. Norse patron OLAV
34. Hard work SWEAT
36. Fare filled and folded OMELET
37. Trattoria desserts GELATI
38. With no guarantee of payment ON SPEC
43. Cartography dot ISLE
44. Against ANTI
45. Reluctant risers LIE-ABEDS
46. Barack’s 2010 High Court appointee ELENA
51. Emphasize STRESS
52. That, in Tijuana ESA
55. Snack chip NACHO
58. Much more than a sniffle BAWL
59. Samoa’s capital APIA
60. Purges (of) RIDS
62. One may be stored in a barn BALE
64. Advance LEND
66. Sci-fi staples ETS
68. Blacken, in a way TAR
70. Copacabana city RIO
71. Commonly torn ligament, briefly ACL
72. Note SEE
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