Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday Friday October 7th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 City NE of Odessa MIDLAND
8 American Pharoah accoutrement BRIDLE
14 Like many lots ONE-ACRE
15 Like bad butter RANCID
16 Item on a certain thief’s rap sheet? PAST CARJACKING
18 Party planner’s compilation E-LIST
19 Big Island entertainment UKES
20 Tour stop GIG
22 Put down DIS
23 Sequential exercise SCALES
26 Name on the 1983 album “More Music for Films” ENO
27 Long-distance calling org.? SETI
29 Linguistic ending -ESE
30 Graceful wader EGRET
32 Dinner for a lottery winner? JACKPOT ROAST
36 ”C U When U Get There” rapper COOLIO
38 Cans on a Lowe’s shelf PAINTS
39 Mural of a wild canine? JACKAL FRESCO
41 Flew like a birdie ARCED
42 Minn. neighbor ONT
43 Zachary Taylor, e.g. WHIG
47 Affected denial MOI?
48 Held up PAUSED
51 With 48-Down, judging with others ON A …
52 Sign of spring BUD
53 Prominent feature of “Twilight” films? FANG
54 Query in Matthew IS IT I?
56 Last of a $140 stack? SEVENTH JACKSON
60 Follows ENSUES
61 ”The Little Prince” author Saint-Exupéry ANTOINE
62 Like hunks STUDLY
63 Ached (for) YEARNED
1 Economical bikes MOPEDS
2 Not a good way to be caught IN A LIE
3 Call it off DESIST
4 Pullover beneficiaries LATS
5 Bookkeeper’s concerns: Abbr. ACCTS
6 Gp. with many arms NRA
7 Strauss’ “__ Rosenkavalier” DER
8 Slow down BRAKE
9 Hurries RACES
10 Tattoo parlor supplies INKS
11 Roman 601 DCI
12 Not hurry home from LINGER AT
13 Avant-garde quality EDGINESS
17 Aromatic cocktail JULEP
21 Düsseldorf deity GOTT
24 Director DeMille CECIL
25 ”I’ll kneel down / And ___ thee forgiveness”: King Lear ASK OF
28 ”Kidding” I JOKE
30 Former attorney general Holder ERIC
31 Moody Blues hit with an exclamation point in its title GO NOW!
33 ”When I was __ … “: “H.M.S. Pinafore” lyric A LAD
34 Starts the day OPENS
35 Sample TASTE
36 Whoops it up CAROUSES
39 Hinge holder JAMB
40 Like stormy seas ROUGH
44 Sauce served with mu shu pork HOISIN
45 Chant INTONE
46 Profited GAINED
48 See 51-Across PANEL
49 Not at all calm ANTSY
50 Judge’s decrees DICTA
53 It might be resolved through mediation FEUD
55 Candy bar with a Nordic name SKOR
57 Sch. near the Appomattox River VSU
58 Noisy bird JAY
59 Chemical suffix -ANE
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