Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday September 22nd 2017, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Hubbub STIR
5. Thompson of “Westworld” TESSA
10. One way to lean BACK
14. Stephen Hawking subject TIME
15. Tough tests of knowledge ORALS
16. Offer the same opinion as ECHO
17. Princess Royal of Britain ANNE
18. -, at times MINUS
19. Reclined LAIN
20. Setup provider’s abbr. BYOB
21. Hogwarts chronicler imitating noisy dogs? JK GROWLING
23. Like many deli orders TO GO
25. Western peer of Tex and Gene ROY
26. Devices that record data on noisy dogs? BARKING METERS
32. Part of XL: Abbr. LGE
33. Toon cat since the silent era FELIX
34. Reacts to bad news, perhaps SULKS
37. War-torn land IRAQ
39. More rational SANER
41. All in BEAT
42. St. Anthony’s home PADUA
44. It’s not exactly a pick-me-up DECAF
46. Airport approx. ETA
47. Photographer of noisy dogs? YIPPER SNAPPER
50. Disney Store collectible CEL
51. Semi bar AXLE
52. Paintings depicting noisy dogs? WORKS OF ARF
58. First name in folk ARLO
61. Choppers AXES
62. Stop by VISIT
63. Printer function SCAN
64. News article intro LEDE
65. Gradually weaken ERODE
66. It can be hard to get out of MAZE
67. It can be hard to get out KNOT
68. Call attention (to) REFER
69. Bellicose god ARES
1. Attempt STAB
2. Like a mite TINY
3. “Give me a few minutes” I’M NOT READY
4. Adidas subsidiary REEBOK
5. He beat out Sonny & Cher and Herman’s Hermits, among others, for the Best New Artist Grammy TOM JONES
6. Christine’s phantom admirer ERIK
7. Emulated 5-Down SANG
8. Nasty comment SLUR
9. Categorize ASSORT
10. Source of much canine delight BELLY RUB
11. Nutritious berry ACAI
12. Gym exercise CHIN
13. Giant film primate KONG
22. Burdens WOES
24. Desktop animation image suffix GIF
26. Control tower signal BLIP
27. Indian shrine site AGRA
28. Forest clearing GLADE
29. Member of the underground economy? MINER
30. CFOs, e.g. EXECS
31. Orient Express feature SLEEPER CAR
35. Shakespeare’s shrew KATE
36. Vega, for one STAR
38. Cement type for home repairs QUICKSET
40. Pursued vigorously RAN AFTER
43. Homo sapiens relatives APES
45. 63-Across alternative FAX
48. Small wading bird PLOVER
49. State of matter PLASMA
52. Constitutional WALK
53. Strong farm team OXEN
54. Overhaul REDO
55. Gift from Prometheus FIRE
56. Beginning AS OF
57. Play polo, say RIDE
59. Relax LAZE
60. Word that can replace “your” ONE’S
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