Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday August 15th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Scale readings: Abbr. WTS
4 Pau or Marc of the NBA GASOL
9 Roofing material PITCH
14 Snicker syllable HEH
15 Essential acid, familiarly AMINO
16 Online cash-back deal E-BATE
17 WSW’s opposite ENE
18 Giveaway bags TOTES
19 Lone Star State TEXAS
20 Painful reality that one doesn’t want to face THE AWFUL TRUTH
23 Bite-sized fish dish SUSHI
24 Bond creator Fleming IAN
25 ”I thought so!” AHA!
28 Close enough to share intimate secrets THICK AS THIEVES
33 Didn’t toss out KEPT
34 Vigilant ALERT
35 2015 award for Steph Curry ESPY
39 Have a craving (for) YEARN
42 Crucifix letters INRI
43 Skin irritations SORES
45 Slips that promise payment IOUS
47 Features of many mountain roads TWISTS AND TURNS
53 Walk-__: small roles ONS
54 British ref. work OED
55 March b-ball tourneys, casually NCAAS
57 1984 #1 hit for Cyndi Lauper TIME AFTER TIME
62 Nest sound CHIRP
64 Start to type? PROTO-
65 Chaney of horror films LON
66 Tapered boat CANOE
67 Five minutes past a quarter of TEN TO
68 ”Patience __ virtue” IS A
69 Use up money SPEND
70 Cook, as mussels STEAM
71 Body art, briefly … and, initially, a hint to this puzzle’s four longest answers TAT
1 Stimulates, as an appetite WHETS
2 Basic training command TEN-HUT
3 ”Good grief!” SHEESH!
4 London airport GATWICK
5 ”I __ the opinion … “ AM OF
6 In __: unmoved SITU
7 New law student ONE L
8 Went berserk LOST IT
9 Porky Pig’s girlfriend PETUNIA
10 ”Yeah, right!” I BET
11 Financial shelter TAX HAVEN
12 Windy City “L” operator: Abbr. CTA
13 Stag party attendees HES
21 23-Across tuna AHI
22 Cheering word RAH!
26 Münster mister HERR
27 Italian wine region ASTI
29 __ lime pie KEY
30 Big primate APE
31 Laundry day target STAIN
32 Quarterback Manning ELI
35 This, in Spain ESTO
36 Scattered, as seed SOWN
37 Uncorrupted PRISTINE
38 ”Of course!” YES!
40 Angler’s pole ROD
41 Cashew or almond NUT
44 Trod heavily STOMPED
46 Solarium SUNROOM
48 Set eyes on SEE
49 Responds well to change ADAPTS
50 Sales slip: Abbr. RCT
51 Stick the landing, say NAIL IT
52 Stuffed Indian pastry SAMOSA
56 Parisian political body SENAT
58 Get the creases out of IRON
59 Stew (over) FRET
60 ”When you hear the __, please leave your message” TONE
61 Jazzy James ETTA
62 Emails a dupe to CCS
63 WWII General __ Arnold HAP
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