Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday August 19th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Paris eateries CAFES
6 Abyss CHASM
11 Birthday count AGE
14 Rack flavoring SPICE
15 Hang in midair HOVER
16 Easter beginning? NOR-
17 Data-intensive branch of engineering INFORMATICS
19 “Positively Entertaining” TV network ION
20 After-tax amount NET
21 Unveiling word VOILA
22 Iraq War worries, for short WMDS
23 God, in Judaism YAHWEH
25 Red-handed IN THE ACT
28 Burning crime ARSON
30 “__ luego” HASTA
31 “Oh dear!” ALAS
34 Choir voice TENOR
36 Judge on “The People v. O.J. Simpson” ITO
38 Camaraderie RAPPORT
41 Avant-garde music genre ART ROCK
43 Annoying kid IMP
44 Greetings from Fido WOOFS
46 Aired with sharper resolution IN HD
47 De-creases? IRONS
49 Lariat LASSO
52 Winter hike footwear item SNOWSHOE
54 Insect-sized superhero ANT MAN
58 Surfer’s ride WAVE
59 Makeover result NEW DO
61 Self-image EGO
62 Approx. landing time ETA
63 “Best thing” bakery metaphor … and a hint to each row of circles SLICED BREAD
66 Fish in Japanese unadon EEL
67 Aspect FACET
68 Montana Tech city BUTTE
69 NFL scoring stat TDS
70 Slanted columns OP-EDS
71 Thumbs-ups YESES
1 CBS forensic spin-off starring Gary Sinise CSI: NY
2 Sleep concern APNEA
3 Elegant Manhattan avenue FIFTH
4 Environmental prefix ECO-
5 Diner employee SERVER
6 Spiced tea CHAI
7 Emergency phone link HOTLINE
8 Birdlike AVIAN
9 Jiff SEC
10 Doubtfire’s title MRS
11 Pixar specialty ANIMATION
12 “Glad you spotted that error” GOOD CATCH
13 Surrealist Max ERNST
18 Mineral hardness scale MOHS
22 Director Anderson WES
24 Stinging flier WASP
26 Norse god with a hammer THOR
27 Kevin of “Central Intelligence” HART
29 “The Simpsons” bus driver OTTO
31 MLB’s Diamondbacks, on scoreboards ARI
32 Covered with plastic, as an ID card LAMINATED
33 Yeses from bosses APPROVALS
35 Space-research org. NASA
37 Gave the green light, briefly OK’D
39 Dominates totally OWNS
40 __ Hashanah: Jewish New Year ROSH
42 Tear gas situation RIOT
45 Bilked FLEECED
48 Be in debt OWE
50 DUI-fighting org. SADD
51 Stuck-up SNOBBY
52 1974 hit “__ Home Alabama” SWEET
53 Chilling in a cooler ON ICE
55 Track competitions MEETS
56 Playing marble AGATE
57 Connection points NODES
60 Moistens WETS
63 “City by the Bay” airport code SFO
64 Once around the track LAP
65 Lament RUE
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