Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday August 5th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Tea service carrier CART
5 Club in a Manilow title COPA
9 Shirk work DOG IT
14 Isaac’s eldest son ESAU
15 Tel __ AVIV
16 Berlin Olympics star Jesse OWENS
17 Wall safe access COMBINATION LOCK
20 Not yet bug-free, as software IN BETA
21 Smelling __ SALTS
22 Lion in the sky LEO
23 Grand __: wine label words CRU
25 Tijuana aunt TIA
26 Part of 24-Down LOS
29 Base for many soups CHICKEN STOCK
32 PC fixer TECH
35 Yale student ELI
36 Country divided in 1945 KOREA
37 French friend AMIE
38 Part of a French toast SANTE
41 Opposite of sloppy NEAT
42 Pool game call before “Polo!” MARCO
44 __ number on: confound DO A
45 Hathaway of “Ocean’s 8” ANNE
46 Classic country store container PICKLE BARREL
50 Tavern offering ALE
51 Musical pair DUO
52 Paving material TAR
53 __ Baba ALI
56 Doc’s order to a pharmacist SCRIP
58 Use, as a scratching post CLAW AT
60 What the ends of 17-, 29- and 46-Across figuratively comprise THE WHOLE SHEBANG
64 “West Side Story” heroine MARIA
65 New York canal ERIE
66 “In __ of gifts … ” LIEU
67 Titleholder CHAMP
68 Confers knighthood on DUBS
69 Website for crafty people? ETSY
1 Director DeMille CECIL
2 All together AS ONE
3 Role for Stallone RAMBO
4 London underground TUBE
5 Yellow songbirds CANARIES
6 Egg cells OVA
7 Cherry discards PITS
8 Fly a plane AVIATE
9 “Let’s not talk about that” DON’T ASK
10 Barn hooters OWLS
11 Old Metro automaker GEO
12 End of many co. names INC
13 Cluck of disapproval TSK!
18 Thing to scratch ITCH
19 Lena of “The Reader” OLIN
24 Home to the NCAA Bruins UCLA
26 Oscar winner Sophia LOREN
27 Atlantic or Pacific OCEAN
28 It can have wheels or blades SKATE
29 Cash alternative CHECK
30 In a way, slangily KINDA
31 Having a key, in music TONAL
32 City on Florida’s Gulf Coast TAMPA
33 Computer message EMAIL
34 Homeric temptress CIRCE
39 Civil wrong TORT
40 Divers’ maladies EARACHES
43 Addressee of many a Brit’s “I say” OLD CHAP
47 Current Italian currency EURO
48 Heated to bubbling BOILED
49 Author Gardner with many plots ERLE
53 Anticipate AWAIT
54 Highway divisions LANES
55 PC fixer IT GUY
56 Do pool laps, say SWIM
57 Country where “Raiders of the Lost Ark” begins PERU
59 Blessed with the necessary skills ABLE
60 SHO sister channel TMC
61 “I knew it!” HAH
62 Significant period ERA
63 Sis, to her sis SIB
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