Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday December 10th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Strains to lift HEFTS
6. Scribble (down) JOT
9. Former Russian despots TSARS
14. Dickens’ Heep URIAH
15. Cain raiser EVE
16. Florida’s __ Center EPCOT
17. Nabisco cookie with a pastry jacket FIG NEWTON
19. “Cold Case Files” airer A AND E
20. Seminoles’ sch. FSU
21. Lukewarm reviews? EHS
22. Sadden DEPRESS
24. Gulf Coast Florida city SARASOTA
27. Scrape or scratch MAR
28. F equivalent, in music E-SHARP
29. Investigations PROBES
33. Hostess snack HO HO
35. Sound from a tabby MEOW
37. Wee hr. TWO AM
38. Barley brew ALE
39. __ Fáil: Irish coronation stone LIA
40. Joseph of ice cream fame EDY
42. “Cats” monogram TSE
43. Mazda sports car MIATA
45. City bond, briefly MUNI
47. Suit to __ A TEE
48. The “M” in LEM… MODULE
50. Like red-line traffic, on Google Maps STOP-GO
52. For example SAY
53. Lights that darken SUNLAMPS
56. Kate of “Steve Jobs” WINSLET
60. SSW opposite NNE
61. Bucolic setting LEA
62. __ Gay: WWII bomber ENOLA
63. Succeeded big-time MADE A MINT
66. “Over the Rainbow” composer Harold ARLEN
67. Grow older AGE
68. The Lindy, e.g. DANCE
69. Tally again RE-ADD
70. Hide-hair link NOR
71. Jouster’s ride STEED
1. Blows like the Big Bad Wolf HUFFS
2. Pension law acronym ERISA
3. *Nominal leader FIGUREHEAD
4. Beachgoer’s color TAN
5. “Good grief!” SHEESH
6. *Atmospheric wind that aids an eastbound U.S. flight JET STREAM
7. Lacto-__ vegetarian OVO
8. Look after TEND
9. *Boston tax protest of 1773 TEA PARTY
10. Cousin of a snowfinch SPARROW
11. Most common skin condition in the U.S. ACNE
12. Fishing sticks RODS
13. Fr. holy women STES
18. End of many a riddle WHO AM I?
23. Holy Roman VIP: Abbr. EMP
25. Japan’s largest active volcano ASO
26. PFC’s address APO
30. Net profit, and what the answers to starred clues have BOTTOM LINE
31. Lessen, as pain EASE
32. Hook’s right hand SMEE
33. Soccer great Mia HAMM
34. Mishmash OLIO
36. *Failed, as a business WENT UNDER
39. *2016 film wrongly announced as Best Picture LA LA LAND
41. Singer Warwick DIONNE
44. Wrestled TUSSLED
46. Battleship initials USS
47. Turkish chief AGA
49. Peacock tail feature EYE
51. Tells it to the judge PLEADS
54. Pound’s 100, in England PENCE
55. Totally full SATED
56. Be dressed in WEAR
57. Regarding, on memos IN RE
58. Pelican St. city NOLA
59. Fed chasing Capone T-MAN
64. In the past AGO
65. Doorstep welcomer MAT
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