Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday December 23rd 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Burning AFIRE
6 Do some angling FISH
10 __ Benedict: brunch choice EGGS
14 Like some clock numerals ROMAN
15 Dealer’s request to a poker player ANTE
16 Harp constellation LYRA
17 Whistle-blower in the street TRAFFIC COP
19 In the thick of AMID
20 Rainbow site SKY
21 Indian or Arctic OCEAN
22 Blackjack player’s request to a dealer HIT ME
23 The “P” in POTUS: Abbr. PRES
24 “8 Mile” rapper EMINEM
26 Kidnap ABDUCT
29 Beltway region, briefly DC AREA
30 Hooch BOOZE
31 Frontier explorer Daniel BOONE
32 Network with an eye logo CBS
35 Therefore ERGO
36 Singer Simon once married to James Taylor CARLY
37 Visit the mall, say SHOP
38 Vietnam holiday TET
39 Three-dimensional SOLID
40 Good, in Guadalajara BUENO
41 Fights off REPELS
43 Boo from the stands JEER AT
44 Rio Grande city LAREDO
45 Dryer fuzz LINT
46 Strange WEIRD
47 Treasure stash TROVE
49 Mischief-maker IMP
52 Sicilian volcano ETNA
53 Whistle-blower on the court NBA REFEREE
55 “Yes!” in church AMEN
56 RC Cola alternative COKE
57 “Not possible” I CAN’T
58 Social oddball NERD
59 Plow-pulling team OXEN
60 Chef’s hat TOQUE
1 Martial __ ARTS
2 Tined utensil FORK
3 “Possibly” I MAY
4 Brit. pilots’ squad RAF
5 Make sure people obey, as laws ENFORCE
6 Turns toward FACES
7 Ancient Peruvian INCA
8 Totally, as sober STONE-COLD
9 Cool, like a cat HEP
10 Julia’s “Seinfeld” role ELAINE
11 Whistle-blower during phys ed GYM TEACHER
12 Fairy tale brother GRIMM
13 Marquis de __ SADE
18 “Law & Order: SVU” actor ICE-T
22 Add to the staff HIRE
23 “The Godfather” novelist Mario PUZO
25 Multitudes of MANY
26 Help in a heist ABET
27 Yawn inducer BORE
28 Whistle-blower at obedience school DOG TRAINER
29 Actress Day DORIS
31 Polling place receptacle BALLOT BOX
33 __ fide BONA
34 Dalmatian mark SPOT
36 Like dorms for men and women COED
37 Sheep fat SUET
39 Zoomed SPED
40 Be of help to BENEFIT
42 Quick trip to the market, say ERRAND
43 Nonsense JIVE
44 “I’ll do it” LET ME
45 Actress Sophia LOREN
46 Gradually withdraw WEAN
48 Garden tool RAKE
49 Baghdad’s country IRAQ
50 Diner handout MENU
51 Basketball Hall of Famer “Pistol __” Maravich PETE
53 Sgt., e.g. NCO
54 Green prefix ECO-
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