Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday January 20th 2020, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Drains of strength SAPS
5 Hoops player CAGER
10 Immortal Middle-earth dweller ELF
13 Suffix with switch -EROO
14 Gladiator’s realm ARENA
15 Henry __, who had six marriages VIII
17 Gets an A on, as a test ACES
18 Bench __: exercise PRESS
19 Red sky at morning, to a sailor OMEN
20 Long. crosser LAT
21 Darjeeling and oolong TEAS
22 Fire stirrers POKERS
24 Writer Wharton EDITH
26 “Indubitably!” YES!
28 Hawk’s nest AERIE
29 Shrinks back RECOILS
31 Like a student arriving ten minutes after the bell, as opposed to five TARDIER
33 “Golly!” GEE
34 Greek cross TAU
35 Old PC component CRT
36 Midmorning work time-out, and a hint to this puzzle’s circles COFFEE BREAK
40 Santa __ winds ANA
42 Convert (hide) into leather TAN
43 Dada pioneer Jean ARP
44 Roasted holiday birds TURKEYS
47 Clickbait links, e.g. TEASERS
51 Movie critic, when giving stars RATER
52 As well TOO
54 Religious belief TENET
55 Hider’s location-revealing words IN HERE
57 Japanese wrestling SUMO
59 Half a Latin dance CHA
60 Put __ on: limit A CAP
61 Fashion designer Emilio PUCCI
63 Christmas carol NOEL
64 Toy building block LEGO
65 Sir __ Newton ISAAC
66 Word-of-mouth ORAL
67 Bear’s shelter DEN
68 Chili con __ CARNE
69 Moistens WETS
1 Putty, for example SEALER
2 Video game area ARCADE
3 Written in verse POETIC
4 Sailor’s “Help!” SOS
5 Flowing garb for Batman CAPE
6 Orderly arrangements ARRAYS
7 Sextet after the golden rings GEESE
8 USN rank ENS
9 Abrasive tool RASP
10 Brought to mind EVOKED
11 Funny five-line verse LIMERICK
12 More passionate FIERIER
16 Newspaper leaflet, say INSERT
21 Porch pirate, for one THIEF
23 Rowboat mover OAR
25 Like takeout food TO GO
27 Wild guess STAB
30 Southpaw LEFTY
32 Surrounding glows AURAE
34 Decalogue number TEN
36 Rome’s Punic Wars foe CARTHAGE
37 Toward sunrise EAST
38 Muse of poetry ERATO
39 Church recess APSE
40 On __ basis: for testing purposes A TRIAL
41 Characterized by subtle distinctions NUANCED
45 Not turn off KEEP ON
46 Be wrong ERR
47 Bird on a Froot Loops box TOUCAN
48 “Sing another one!” ENCORE
49 Warm up, as leftovers REHEAT
50 Hems and haws STALLS
53 Grouchy Muppet OSCAR
56 Large-scale tale EPIC
58 Computer devices bearing little resemblance to their real-life namesakes MICE
62 Can. neighbor USA
63 “It’s __ or never” NOW
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