Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday January 6th 2025, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Packs on muscle, with “up” : BEEFS
6 Aspect : FACET
11 Q’s keyboard neighbor : TAB
14 Super Breakout console : ATARI
15 “Fame” star Cara : IRENE
16 Three, on a sundial : III
17 *New job that’s hardly a promotion : LATERAL MOVE
19 Awareness-raising TV spot : PSA
20 “Anything ?” : ELSE
21 WWII soldiers : GIS
22 Big, big stars : IDOLS
24 “Mind. Blown.” : WHOA
26 Pointy tooth : CANINE
28 *Honking collective : GAGGLE OF GEESE
31 Axton of country music : HOYT
32 Pie mode : A LA
33 Reader of a quick-start guide : USER
34 Pair : DUO
35 Sofía of “Modern Family” : VERGARA
39 Consumes : HAS
40 Grocery chain with a Winking Owl wine brand : ALDI
42 Texting titter : LOL
43 Future DA’s exam : LSAT
45 *Phenomenon of collective false memories : MANDELA EFFECT
49 Led : HELMED
50 Constellation bear : URSA
51 “Head over and take a look” : GO SEE
52 “Let You Love Me” singer Rita : ORA
53 __ prep: weekend activity for some home cooks : MEAL
57 Lip balm in egg-shaped containers : EOS
58 Vice presidential hopeful, and what the first part of the answer to each starred clue can be : RUNNING MATE
62 Spin bike meas. : RPM
63 Name with Will and Frankie in sitcom titles : GRACE
64 Gnats, flies, etc. : PESTS
65 WNW’s opposite : ESE
66 “The Princess Bride” co-star Cary : ELWES
67 Spaces : AREAS
1 Bundle of hay : BALE
2 Latin shorthand in a bibliography : ET AL
3 Consumes : EATS
4 Thoroughfare without tolls : FREEWAY
5 Knight’s title : SIR
6 Befitting an offspring : FILIAL
7 Upper limbs : ARMS
8 Corp. leader : CEO
9 Pt. of SASE : ENV
10 Enraging, with “off” : TEEING
11 Show respect, in a way : TIP ONE’S HAT
12 Flight selection : AISLE SEAT
13 Slant : BIAS
18 Awestruck : AGOG
23 French deity : DIEU
25 “Love It or List It” channel : HGTV
26 Pepsi or Coke : COLA
27 Way off : AFAR
28 “Heavens to Betsy!” : GOODNESS ME
29 Bird on Mexico’s flag : EAGLE
30 Triage ctrs. : ERS
31 Toys to play around with? : HULA HOOPS
34 Beaver’s construction : DAM
36 French fashion magazine : ELLE
37 Map line : ROAD
38 Some beers : ALES
41 Not doing much : IDLE
44 Con artist : SCAMMER
46 Come forth : EMERGE
47 Greek goddesses of vengeance : FURIES
48 Actress Drescher : FRAN
51 “Chicago” actor Richard : GERE
52 In the past : ONCE
54 Simplicity : EASE
55 “_ boy!”: “Well done!” : ATTA
56 “More or _” : LESS
59 Bookmarked link : URL
60 “Yep” opposite : NAW
61 Report card no. : GPA
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