Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday July 3rd 2017, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. “Hometown Proud” market chain IGA
4. First-string squad A-TEAM
9. Actor McGregor EWAN
13. Election Day mo. NOV
14. “Lord Jim” author Joseph CONRAD
16. Field-plowing site FARM
17. Law of the jungle, in the Old West FRONTIER JUSTICE
20. Freezer cubes ICE
21. Top-notch A-ONE
22. Texter’s gratitude THX
23. 1867 territorial acquisition dubbed “Seward’s Folly” ALASKA PURCHASE
28. Old King Cole was a merry one OLD SOUL
29. Reason for unbalanced books ERROR
30. Southeast Asian language LAO
31. __ hasty retreat BEAT A
34. Walk-__: bit parts ONS
35. 1973 Helen Reddy chart-topper DELTA DAWN
38. CBS forensic series CSI
40. African virus EBOLA
41. ID on an auto title VIN
44. Causes pain HURTS
47. Refreshing break RESPITE
49. Melted yellow square on a burger AMERICAN CHEESE
52. “Let me think … ” HMM
53. Smell ODOR
54. U.S. intelligence org. NSA
55. R. Kelly hit whose last title word is aptly rhymed with “sky” in the lyrics … and a hint to the starts of the other four longest puzzle answers I BELIEVE I CAN FLY
61. Extremely VERY
62. On __ knee: kneeling BENDED
63. Suffix with human -OID
64. Celtic language ERSE
65. Pulled into piles, as leaves RAKED
66. Hi-__ graphics RES
1. With one flat, musically IN F
2. Largest living primate GORILLA
3. Guacamole fruit AVOCADO
4. Perform on stage ACT
5. You, to Yves TOI
6. Opposite of WSW… ENE
7. Pianist Claudio ARRAU
8. College focus MAJOR
9. Little newt EFT
10. Serves food to WAITS ON
11. Bow-and-arrow wielders ARCHERS
12. Santa Fe’s st. NMEX
15. Dummy :DUNCE
18. Monster’s loch NESS
19. 61-Across: Ger. SEHR
23. “You’ve Got Mail” ISP… AOL
24. NBA great Bryant KOBE
25. “The Clan of the Cave Bear” author Jean AUEL
26. Place setting disc PLATE
27. Elvis __ Presley ARON
32. Bill with cocktails TAB
33. Decorate ADORN
35. Like desperate circumstances DIRE
36. Baldwin of “30 Rock” ALEC
37. Laundry WASH
38. __ of commerce CHAMBER
39. Hot seasons SUMMERS
41. Competes to get VIES FOR
42. “That’s not true!” IT’S A LIE!
43. Bridal bio word NEE
45. “Star Trek: T.N.G.” counselor TROI
46. Flip of a hit single SIDE B
48. Teller’s comedy partner PENN
50. Tarp, e.g. COVER
51. Hockey venue ARENA
52. Bee home HIVE
56. Soapmaking supply LYE
57. “Beats me,” in texts IDK
58. Mediocre grade CEE
59. Tack on, as tax ADD
60. Golf hole meas. YDS
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