Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday May 21st 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Pet adoption org. ASPCA
6. Sore after exercise ACHY
10. Landlocked African nation CHAD
14. They’re entered in court PLEAS
15. One of Pittsburgh’s three rivers OHIO
16. Hawaii County seat HILO
17. Like #1 hits TOP-RANKING
19. Wide-eyed AGOG
20. Buffet fuel STERNO
21. Sewn medical treatment STITCHES
23. 36 inches YARD
25. “So that’s your game!” OHO!
26. Auto loan default result REPO
29. Stands for sheets with notes MUSIC RACKS
35. Key with one sharp: Abbr. E MIN
36. Rice field PADDY
37. Shirt with a slogan TEE
38. School basics ABCS
39. Pub beer orders PINTS
40. Cup of joe JAVA
41. Writing desk room, perhaps DEN
42. Classic orange soda FANTA
43. Inch or mile, e.g. UNIT
44. For a full license, it’s 17 or 18 in most states DRIVING AGE
47. Macy’s department MEN’S
48. LeBron, e.g., briefly CAV
49. Nose-in-the-air type SNOB
51. Challenging words I DARE YOU!
56. Privy to the scheme IN ON IT
60. Sushi seaweed NORI
61. Humor shared by a select few … and by this puzzle’s circles INSIDE JOKE
63. Leg joint KNEE
64. Litter yippers PUPS
65. Sufferer healed by Jesus LEPER
66. Apt “ayes” anagram YEAS
67. Exxon, formerly ESSO
68. Substitutes’ squad B-TEAM
1. Tenants’ qtrs. APTS
2. Vegas machine SLOT
3. Le Pew of skunkdom PEPE
4. Bags you don’t check CARRY-ONS
5. Yoga position ASANA
6. Hunky-dory A-OK
7. Letters after phis CHIS
8. Dash, as of a spice HINT
9. Quotable Berra YOGI
10. “One, two, one-two-three” dance CHA-CHA
11. Like more efficient gas HIGH OCTANE
12. Botanical balm ALOE
13. Kennel barkers DOGS
18. Usual NORM
22. Whig rival TORY
24. Fooling DUPING
26. Check, as an invoice RE-ADD
27. Fireplace glower EMBER
28. Park place with tables PICNIC AREA
30. North Pole letter recipient SANTA
31. 4-Down attachments ID TAGS
32. DJ’s assortment CDS
33. Actor Costner KEVIN
34. 4-Down may be stored under them SEATS
39. Flying Peter PAN
40. 747, e.g. JUMBO JET
42. Pentagon side count FIVE
45. Isn’t the same for everyone VARIES
46. Oklahoma city ENID
50. 16 oz. ONE LB
51. Pitch-black INKY
52. All finished DONE
53. “Jeepers!” YIPE!
54. Heavy burden ONUS
55. Govt. mail agency USPS
57. “Uh-uh” NOPE
58. Flat-package furniture chain IKEA
59. Senate six years TERM
62. Prefix with metric ISO-
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