Crossword by: C.C. Burnikel and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Monday November 11th 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! Look to the stars! Each of today’s themed answers uses a star as symbol in it’s brand or identity. The themed answers are: Dallas Cowboys, Heineken, Macy’s, Converse and Flag of Vietnam. The theme was given away by the answer to 64 Across, Star.
Across Answers
1. Dinner for Mister Ed OATS
Mister Ed is about a talking horse and his eccentric owner, Wilbur Post. This comedy TV show ran from 1961 to 1966.
5. On-the-job extras PERKS
10. Cave feedback ECHO
14. Snow remover PLOW
15. Ice show site ARENA
16. D’back or Met NLER
The New York Mets and the Arizona Diamondbacks are both Major League contenders. The Mets were founded in 1962, and won the World Series in 1969.
The Arizona Diamondbacks joined the league only in 1998, but bagged the World Series 3 years later, and became the fastest expansion team in history because of that.
17. “East of Eden” director Kazan ELIA
East of Eden was released in 1955 and was a film adaptation of John Steinbeck’s novel of the same name. It starred James Dean, Julie Harris, and Raymond Massey.
18. Popular half of a 45, usually SIDE A
19. Time division on a map ZONE
20. Five-time Super Bowl winners DALLAS COWBOYS
The Dallas Cowboys, a member of NFL’s National Football Conference, is the country’s sports franchise with the highest value. It is famous for winning twenty consecutive seasons from 1966 to ’85.
23. Do a librarian’s chore SHELVE
24. Last Greek letter OMEGA
The Greek letters are: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau. Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, and Omega.
27. Pipeline product OIL
28. “It’s all about the beer” Dutch brewer HEINEKEN
Heineken, one of the world’s most famous beers, was introduced in 1873. It has a 5% alcohol content and is made of purified water, hops, malted barley, & yeast.
31. Tweezer targets BROWS
34. Club for the supersmart MENSA
Mensa International is a high IQ society formed in 1946. Its members are those who score at the ninety eighth percentile or even higher. Its offices are located in Caythorpe, Lincolnshire, England.
35. Soccer goal NET
36. Weight training units REPS
37. “Miracle on 34th Street” store MACY’S
Miracle On 34th Street is a Christmas film shown in 1947. It was directed and written by George Seaton and starred John Payne, Maureen O’Hara, Edmun Gwenn, and Natalie Wood.
38. Stand up RISE
39. Make the most of USE
40. Obama daughter whose Secret Service code name is “Rosebud” SASHA
Barack Obama has two daughters, Malia, born on 1998, and Sasha, born 2001.
41. Parcels (out) METES
42. Big name in sneakers CONVERSE
Converse was founded in 1908 and is one of the most famous brands to produce shoes, athletic apparel, and lifestyle fashion items.
44. Droop in the middle SAG
45. Ford flop EDSEL
Edsel Ford is the son of the Ford Motor Company founder, Henry Ford. He took over as president of the company, and is known to argue and disagree with his father in front of other people. His father was also known th publicly humiliate him. However, the Edsel line of the automobile company failed, which wasn’t really Edsel’s fault when it happened as he had already passed away at that time. He died at the age of 49, due to stomach cancer.
46. Insurance filings CLAIMS
50. Standard flown in Ho Chi Minh City FLAG OF VIETNAM
Vietnam’s flag is red with a yellow star in the middle.
55. Thug’s knife SHIV
The term “shiv” came from the word “shive”, which was also a type of razor. It’s actually slang for any kind of pointed or sharp object used as a weapon.
57. Snow-block home IGLOO
58. Prefix with cast TELE-
59. Not contaminated PURE
60. 34-Across member BRAIN
The brain is the center of the nervous system. All vertebrates have them, as well as most invertebrates. However, there are some creatures which do not have a brain, like the starfish or the jellyfish. The human brain has about fifteen to thirty three billion neurons, which makes it the most complex organ in the body.
61. Soprano’s solo ARIA
62. Shoe inserts FEET
63. Road curves BENDS
64. Headliner, or symbol associated with 20-, 28-, 37-, 42- and 50-Across STAR
Down Answers
1. Opinion pieces OP-EDS
2. God of Islam ALLAH
Allah means God in Arabic, and is the word used by Muslims to refer to God.
3. Fabric often decorated with pastoral scenes TOILE
4. Gulps down SWALLOWS
5. Whole bunch PASSEL
Passel is another term for “parsel,” though not as popularly used.
6. Guitarist Clapton ERIC
Eric Clapton is the only artist in history to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 3 times. First in 1992, as a member of The Yardbirds, then in 1993 as a member of Cream, and in 2000 as a solo performer.
7. Start all over REDO
8. Felt in one’s bones KNEW
9. Swedish automaker SAAB
Saab was formed in 1945 when the Swedish aerospace & defence company “Saab AB” decided to do a project of designing a small car. Its 1st model was the Saab 92, launchedin 1949.
10. Digestive protein ENZYME
Digestive enzymes are important in the absorption of foods into the body. They are being secreted by the exocrine glands, the salivary glands, the secretory cells in the pancreas and the stomach, and the small intestines’ secretory glands.
11. Tight, as families CLOSE-KNIT
12. Lady lobster HEN
Female lobsters are called “hens” or “Mrs. Lobsters”
13. Find at the mine ORE
21. “We Try Harder” car rental chain AVIS
22. Chaplin granddaughter named for her grandmother OONA
Oona Chaplin is the daughter of Patricio Castilla and Geraldine Chaplin, the first of eight children of Charlie Chaplin and Oona Chaplin.
25. V-formation birds GEESE
26. Gets in the poker game ANTES
28. Anne of “Donnie Brasco” HECHE
“Heche” is pronounced as “Haytch.” She has written her own autobiography released in 2001. She wrote it only within six weeks.
29. One-named “Orinoco Flow” singer ENYA
Enya is a singer-songwriter of Irish descent. She has had over seventy five million record sales worldwide, and is considered to be the best-selling solo artist of Ireland.
30. Mag. edition ISS
Iss is the abbreviation of “issue.”
31. Groundbreaking comic Lenny BRUCE
Lenny Bruce was a satirist, a stand-up comedian, and a social critic known for incorporating comedy with religion, politics, vulgarity, and sex, among others.
He died due to drug overdose. He was only 37 years old.
32. Put down new grass sections RE-SOD
33. Starts to shoot OPENS FIRE
34. The “m” in E = mc² MASS
E (energy) = M (mass) x Speed of light (C) squared. This was formulated by the famous Einstein.
37. Make a dent in, say MAR
38. Rowing races REGATTAS
40. Actress Ward SELA
Before Sela Ward became an actress, she was a former cheerleader both in high school and in college at the University of Alabama.
41. Gander or gobbler MALE
Male geese are called ganders, and male turkeys are called gobblers.
43. Soft-pile fabric VELVET
44. Offshoots SCIONS
47. Like neon and xenon INERT
48. Obama daughter whose Secret Service code name is “Radiance” MALIA
49. Mascara mishap SMEAR
51. The Bee Gees’ “Gee” GIBB
The Bee Gees are an English msuical group who consisted of brothers Robin, Barry, and Maurice Gibb. They wrote all of their songs and were very popular in the sixties, seventies, and eighties.
52. Beast of fables OGRE
53. Spanish dessert FLAN
Flan is made with sugar, eggs, sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, and vanilla. It originated in Mexico and is very famous for its sweet, smooth taste.
54. Partner of null VOID
55. Coppertone letters SPF
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor
56. Shade of color HUE
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