Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday November 26th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Identical SAME
5. “Mountain” soft drinks DEWS
9. Burn the midnight oil at college CRAM
13. Urgent request PLEA
14. Forgo the church ceremony ELOPE
16. Lo-cal LITE
17. Concern after heavy rain FLASH FLOOD
19. Inflated ones often clash EGOS
20. Kinda SORTA
21. Airport near Tel Aviv LOD
22. Isn’t feeling up to par AILS
23. Like G-rated movies FAMILY FRIENDLY
27. Natural soother ALOE
28. Salon jobs SETS
29. Singer Jimmy or actor James DEAN
32. Litter member or user CAT
34. Sewn connections SEAMS
38. Bruins legend ORR
39. Shore dinner FISH FRY
42. “Not happenin’” NAH
43. Pace for Paganini TEMPO
45. Noon on a garden dial XII
46. Like Godiva BARE
47. Choir voice ALTO
50. Tool for a duel EPEE
52. American Revolution leader FOUNDING FATHER
58. Woman’s name often spelled without its “e” ANNE
59. Progressive spokeswoman FLO
60. Airport concern DELAY
62. Multi-platinum Diamond NEIL
63. Very loud, musically … its symbol hints at four puzzle answers FORTISSIMO
66. Boarding site GATE
67. Cosmologist Carl SAGAN
68. Chicago commuter system, familiarly THE L
69. Snow conveyance SLED
70. Earns after taxes NETS
71. Doomed SUNK
1. Sun protection nos. SPFS
2. __ a sudden ALL OF
3. Stiller’s partner MEARA
4. __ Kodak EASTMAN
5. Bit of OED info DEF
6. Building add-on ELL
7. Literary Virginia WOOLF
8. Clues for a bloodhound SPOORS
9. Detox diet CLEANSE
10. Unbending RIGID
11. Coral island ATOLL
12. Having lots of loose ends MESSY
15. Vedder of Pearl Jam EDDIE
18. Flag down, as a cab HAIL
24. Focuses of activity LOCI
25. Passing words? YEAS
26. Website for handmade art ETSY
29. Morse code unit DOT
30. Palindromic “before” ERE
31. Drew Brees’ asset ARM
33. Texter’s gratitude THX
35. Gasteyer of “SNL” ANA
36. Draw graffiti on, say MAR
37. Noted seashell seller SHE
39. Decide not to call, in poker FOLD
40. Feudal holding FIEF
41. Seacrest morning co-host RIPA
44. Like some den walls PANELED
46. Directives BEHESTS
48. Spats TIFFS
49. Borrowed, as a library book ON LOAN
51. Predicted takeoff hrs. ETDS
52. Dracula’s canines FANGS
53. Tatum or Ryan O’NEAL
54. Bring together UNITE
55. New York’s Ausable Chasm, e.g. GORGE
56. Yale founder Yale ELIHU
57. Budget noodle dish RAMEN
61. Egg-white omelet’s lack YOLK
64. Bit of body ink TAT
65. Shoo-__: easy winners INS
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