Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday October 10th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 ”Stay out of my affairs,” briefly MYOB
5 Briefly, e.g. ADVERB
11 CFO’s degree MBA
14 Window section PANE
15 Like the sound of tall grass in the breeze SWISHY
16 ”__ the ramparts … “ O’ER
17 Pizza topping veggie GREEN PEPPER
19 Dusting cloth RAG
20 Slugger __ Harper of the Nats BRYCE
21 Stylish, clotheswise NATTY
23 Remit PAY
25 Traditional filled fare of Europe and West Asia CABBAGE ROLL
29 Preppy shirt brand IZOD
31 Japanese noodle SOBA
32 Replaceable joint KNEE
33 Much-photographed evening event SUNSET
36 Showroom model DEMO
38 Salad staples LETTUCE LEAVES
43 Unexpected obstacle SNAG
44 Revealing, as a bikini SKIMPY
46 Eye care brand RENU
50 Savings vehicles for later yrs IRAS
52 Copied APED
53 Baked-in-their-shells dish CLAMS CASINO
57 NFL scores TDS
58 Car body style COUPE
59 Saltwater candy TAFFY
61 Covert __: secret missions OPS
62 Down payment … and what 17-, 25-, 38- and 53-Across have in common (besides being food) CASH UP FRONT
68 Sara of baking LEE
69 Band on the road TROUPE
70 Franc replacement EURO
71 Oral health org. ADA
72 Emphasize STRESS
73 French state ETAT
1 Fuel efficiency no. MPG
2 Pirate’s cry YAR!
3 Singly ONE BY ONE
4 Bar pint contents BEER
5 Pet adoption org. ASPCA
6 Nerdy types DWEEBS
7 BMOC, for one VIP
8 Sixth sense, for short ESP
9 MLB scoreboard letters RHE
10 ”In Treatment” star Gabriel __ BYRNE
11 Salt brand with an umbrella girl MORTON
12 Fab Four member BEATLE
13 Socks pattern ARGYLE
18 Metropolis served by JFK and LGA… NYC
22 Noah’s project ARK
23 Circle ratios PIS
24 Blue, in Baja AZUL
26 Spanish groceries BODEGAS
27 Adam’s second son ABEL
28 Fun and __ GAMES
30 Mar.-to-Nov. hrs. DST
34 UFO pilots, presumably ETS
35 Belted Forum garment TUNIC
37 Wine barrel wood OAK
39 Siena sweetheart CARA
40 Through, in itineraries VIA
41 Remove everything from, as a fridge EMPTY OUT
42 Zoomed SPED
45 NFL gains YDS
46 Coke competitor RC COLA
47 Snuck out to get hitched ELOPED
48 Queasy feeling NAUSEA
49 Strike caller UMP
51 Abs strengtheners SIT-UPS
54 Religious factions SECTS
55 Neck areas brushed by barbers NAPES
56 Not working today OFF
60 At no cost FREE
63 Museum display ART
64 Fem. campus group SOR
65 Shade of color HUE
66 Org. for marksmen NRA
67 Tyke TOT
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