Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday October 1st 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Crispy fried chicken part SKIN
5. Foolish sort TWIT
9. Neeson of “Silence” LIAM
13. Cancún currency PESO
14. Nonspeaking street performer MIME
15. Cellist Casals PABLO
16. “__ it first!” I SAW
17. Complete quickly, as a test ZIP THROUGH
19. Spring melts THAWS
21. Lake crossed traveling from Ohio to Ontario ERIE
22. Golf course standard PAR
23. Predecessor to Millard Fillmore ZACHARY TAYLOR
27. “Later, Jacques” ADIEU
28. Northern sky sight AURORA
31. Mixed-breed barker MUTT
34. Isl. of Australia TASM
36. Remove mist from, as a windshield DEFOG
37. Sushi tuna AHI
38. Grabbed a chair SAT
39. Praiseful poem ODE
41. Angsty music genre EMO
42. Lovestruck teen from Verona ROMEO
44. Houston MLBer ‘STRO
46. Unexpected problem SNAG
47. Angelic figure CHERUB
49. Transplant to a new container REPOT
51. Strict rule-enforcement policy ZERO TOLERANCE
56. Margaret of stand-up CHO
58. Chilly COOL
59. Get the better of ONE-UP
60. Buddhist meditation sites ZEN TEMPLES
64. Tubular pasta … and a phonetic hint to 17-, 23-, 51- and 60-Across ZITI
65. Geometry calculations AREAS
66. Brazilian soccer legend PELE
67. Actor Baldwin ALEC
68. Sore throat sign RASP
69. Part of GPS: Abbr. SYST
70. Some cameras, for short SLRS
1. Dog group that includes the Akita SPITZ
2. “Tik Tok” singer KESHA
3. Author Asimov ISAAC
4. “Yet another problem?” NOW WHAT?
5. Tabloid TV debut of 2007 TMZ
6. Xbox 360 competitor WII
7. Driving force IMPETUS
8. Colorful aquarium fish TETRA
9. Poet __-tzu LAO
10. Active ingredient in Advil IBUPROFEN
11. Pond growth ALGA
12. Jay of “Last Comic Standing” MOHR
15. Musical intro PRELUDE
18. “Howdy there!” HIYA
20. Pathetic SAD
24. Beatles’ meter maid RITA
25. First Irish Literature Nobelist YEATS
26. Miner’s strike ORE
29. Egg-shaped tomato ROMA
30. Spellbound AGOG
31. Artist Chagall MARC
32. “Looks like trouble!” UH-OH!
33. Mountain and Pacific, e.g. TIME ZONES
35. Gourmet mushroom MOREL
38. Reporter’s contacts SOURCES
40. Info DOPE
43. Before, poetically ERE
45. Streetcar TROLLEY
46. Sonnet sections STANZAS
48. Market upswing BOOM
50. Gold, to José ORO
52. Big name in trading cards TOPPS
53. Sam of “Jurassic Park” NEILL
54. More adorable CUTER
55. Heroic sagas EPICS
56. Industry mogul CZAR
57. Zeus’ jealous wife HERA
61. Touch lightly TAP
62. Lolling trio? ELS
63. Erector __ SET
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