Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday, December 19th 2015, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. High-end beer-serving eatery GASTROPUB
10. First husband of Bathsheba URIAH
15. Drink with Campari and sweet vermouth AMERICANO
16. San Francisco : BART :: Philadelphia : __ SEPTA
17. Islands visited by Darwin GALAPAGOS
18. Bill toppers STARS
19. Like some plugs SHAMELESS
20. Got hot for a while WAS IN
21. H.S. exam PSAT
22. Distresses NAGS AT
23. Silver fish SMELT
26. Driving forces URGES
29. __ ale PALE
30. Supplanting PREEMPTING
35. Wave back? ECHO
36. Pointless INANE
37. Word after big or bright IDEA
38. It may be green CHINESE TEA
40. Holds up ROBS
41. Stone measure CARAT
42. Storyteller from Thrace AESOP
43. “Awesome, bro!” ROCK ON!
47. ThinkPads, e.g. IBMS
49. ooVoo alternative ICHAT
50. Dish cooked in seasoned broth RICE PILAF
55. Left-hand page VERSO
56. Childhood friend of Paul Cézanne EMILE ZOLA
57. Secretary of war under Teddy ELIHU
58. Defame DISCREDIT
59. Deferential denial NO, SIR
60. How fries are usually served ON THE SIDE
1. Stifles GAGS
2. Asian nurse AMAH
3. Ward of “Gone Girl” SELA
4. Treat cruelly, as another’s feelings TRAMPLE ON
5. Most developed RIPEST
6. College of Central Florida city OCALA
7. It’s hard to put down PAGE-TURNER
8. Some, in Seville UNOS
9. Order giver BOSS
10. Naval recovery ship for some Gemini missions USS WASP
11. Change the price of RETAG
12. “Not for me” I PASS
13. Ventricle neighbors ATRIA
14. Is without HASN’T
22. Site of ancient Greek games NEMEA
23. What some write on SPEC
24. Eponymous physicist Ernst __ MACH
25. K thru 12 ELHI
27. Calf snagger REATA
28. James Watson, notably GENETICIST
30. Resident on the Arno PISAN
31. Goodyear variety TIRE SIZES
32. Partnership-forming words I DOS
33. Mount from which Moses saw the Promised Land NEBO
34. Sound of surprise GASP
39. Outing led by a naturalist ECOTOUR
42. Unit in Ohm’s Law AMPERE
43. Torn asunder RIVEN
44. 3M sponge brand OCELO
45. Ruth’s __ Steak House CHRIS
46. GOLEAN cereal maker KASHI
48. Gush forth BELCH
50. Second take REDO
51. “Let’s go!” I’M IN!
52. Lombardy city LODI
53. “Put __ on it!” A LID
54. What “All are architects of,” per Longfellow FATE
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