Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday December 1st 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Early Greek lyric poet SAPPHO
7. Roll by ELAPSE
13. Strong desire CRAVING
15. Respectful bow SALAAM
16. Friendly greeting HEY THERE
18. Eastern religion SHINTO
19. Novak Djokovic’s org. ATP
20. Place to gas up for free? OPEN BAR
22. Beer __ NUT
23. Memorable Gregory Peck role AHAB
25. How work may be done near a deadline MADLY
26. Drain TIRE
27. California’s __ Verdes Peninsula PALOS
29. ’70s radical gp. SLA
30. Singer Stefani et al. GWENS
31. Reception for champions THREE CHEERS
34. Scrooge types CHEAPSKATES
35. Fruity treat BANANA SPLIT
36. Jazz guitarist Herb ELLIS
37. Terre dans la mer ILE
38. Wetland birds TERNS
42. Caffeine-rich seed KOLA
43. 1960 Random House acquisition KNOPF
45. Wild way to run? RIOT
46. Web crawler, e.g. BOT
47. Hit the skids GO TO POT
49. Pressure meas. PSI
50. Designer Pucci EMILIO
52. Traditional Dixie dessert PECAN PIE
54. Comment REMARK
55. Reptile named for the warning sound it makes RATTLER
56. Stars GREATS
57. Death Star “super” weapons LASERS
1. Award-winning ESPN writer/reporter Jeremy SCHAAP
2. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame’s first female inductee ARETHA
3. Check alternative PAYPAL
4. Many a GI… PVT
5. Old Ritz rival HI-HO
6. Afternoon hr. ONE PM
7. Lamb product ESSAY
8. Memorable lion suit wearer LAHR
9. 2001 biopic ALI
10. Burro’s baskets PANNIERS
11. Former GM cars SATURNS
12. Doesn’t act well EMOTES
14. Stage makeup staple GREASEPAINT
17. Programmer’s problem ENDLESS LOOP
21. McCormick offering BLACK PEPPER
24. Gulf of __: Baltic Sea arm BOTHNIA
26. Modern poster TWEETER
28. Trees whose fruit yields a moisturizing butter SHEAS
30. Catch on GET IT
32. Bolted RAN
33. Bryan’s “Malcolm in the Middle” role HAL
34. Use a certain two-handed signal CALL TIME
35. 19th-century women’s rights advocate Amelia BLOOMER
36. “La Dolce Vita” actress EKBERG
39. Flow in small waves RIPPLE
40. More inclined to pry NOSIER
41. “M*A*S*H” actor David Ogden __ STIERS
43. Screwballs KOOKS
44. Kind of point FOCAL
47. Prepared (oneself) for action GIRT
48. “Catch ya later” TA-TA
51. A.L. West team, in crawl lines LAA
53. Some Windows systems NTS
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