Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday January 25th 2020, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Moisture-catching linings SWEATBANDS
11 Barbecue crust CHAR
15 Period that included the Civil War LINCOLN ERA
16 Place with rolling pins, perhaps LANE
17 Making a plea ENTREATING
18 Present opener? OMNI-
19 Have the chutzpah DARE
20 Farm structure SILO
21 Word with interest and error HUMAN
22 Farm structure STY
23 Date night convenience ATM
24 Pauses LETUPS
25 “Femina Cup” (1910s contest) competitor AVIATRIX
28 Turn ROT
29 Informal “Right?” AIN’T IT TRUE
32 Ball, e.g. GALA
33 Links legend SNEAD
34 It’s above lead on tables TIN
35 Ring of Saturn? ORBIT
36 Hash ingredient SPUD
37 Makes even more gross? GETS A RAISE
39 Plural possessive OUR
40 Leo is one FIRE SIGN
41 Jalopies CRATES
43 __ wolf CRY
44 Nasty current RIP
47 R&B family name ISLEY
48 Caps on a protective vest SWAT
50 Fundació Joan __: Barcelona museum MIRO
51 Family member AUNT
52 Blocks off BARRICADES
54 Level TIER
55 Gerald Ford and Glenn Ford, e.g. FREEMASONS
56 Blues first name ETTA
57 Intermediary’s compensation FINDER’S FEE
1 They often have runners SLEDS
2 Succeed in WIN AT
3 Contest form ENTRY
4 Estate unit ACRE
5 __ the line TOE
6 “Dang!” BLAST IT
7 Part of the Enterprise’s power source ANTIMATTER
8 Diamond of song NEIL
9 Bond classic DR NO
10 Decline SAG
11 Leverage CLOUT
12 Early code name? HAMMURABI
13 Alphabetically second on a list of U.S. state capitals ANNAPOLIS
14 Put back REINSTATE
21 Curse HEX
23 All in AVID
24 Whopper you can’t eat LIE
25 Ever so slightly A TAD
26 Not remotely fresh TRITE
27 Flees in a panic RUNS SCARED
29 Like eight Supreme Court justices ASSOCIATE
30 Chasing, with “of” IN PURSUIT
31 Artificial intelligence framework NEURAL NET
32 __ Torino: 1970s Ford GRAN
35 Bacchanalia ORGY
37 Beneficiaries of a 1944 bill GIS
38 PAC’s election season purchase AIRTIME
40 “30 Rock” creator FEY
42 One-third of dodeca- TETRA-
44 No longer forced to deal with RID OF
45 Sherlock’s foe Adler IRENE
46 Term in Old West and hip-hop culture POSSE
48 Indian garb SARI
49 Chirpy bird WREN
50 Keyword in Newton’s second law MASS
52 Texting partner, like, srsly BFF
53 Ford product CAR
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