Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday January 27th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Longtime employer of 26-Down ABC SPORTS
10. Double shot? STUNT
15. “Geek sighting!” NERD ALERT
16. “Mad TV” alum Lange ARTIE
17. Runway-ready DRESSED-UP
18. Boarding pass data ZONES
19. Pay stub abbr. YTD
20. Kid gloves, so to speak CARE
21. Turn down REJECT
22. City on Lake Michigan GARY
23. African capital formerly called Salisbury HARARE
24. “Cool, dude!” GNARLY
27. Court dance PAVANE
28. Hard-to-count quantity PILES
29. Emit a powerful magnetic force? OOZE CHARM
32. It’s all downhill from here ACME
33. Hoofed it HIKED
34. Comics pooch ODIE
35. They’re matched by foundations SKIN TONES
37. Take forcibly WREST
38. Like milk of magnesia CHALKY
39. “You Gotta Be” soul singer DES’REE
40. Old-time feature film preceders SHORTS
41. Corduroy feature WALE
42. Rose __: reddish mineral QUARTZ
43. Big name in hair trimmers WAHL
44. Big Ten sch. that competes for the Paul Bunyan Trophy MSU
47. Singer __ Marie TEENA
48. Exposes to public scorn PILLORIES
50. Goldbrick IDLER
51. Ruins things? ARTIFACTS
52. Pains PESTS
53. 1790s political powder keg XYZ AFFAIR
1. “Honey, I’m Good” singer Grammer ANDY
2. “Sesame Street” roommate BERT
3. Street __ CRED
4. ’60s protest org. SDS
5. Units of pressure PASCALS
6. Owner of a legendary lantern kicker O’LEARY
7. Put through the wringer again? REDRY
8. “Can’t argue with that” TRUE
9. Brand sold at Pep Boys STP
10. Official cocktail of New Orleans SAZERAC
11. Agent that undermines from within TROJAN HORSE
12. “Cure Ignorance” magazine UTNE READER
13. Victoria, to William IV… NIECE
14. One of many taken in school TEST
21. Rhapsodized RAVED
22. Britt Reid’s alter ego GREEN HORNET
23. Shore weather phenomena HAZES
24. Med school admissions data GPAS
25. __ of time NICK
26. “Miracle on Ice” commentator AL MICHAELS
27. Cooler POKEY
29. Hog calls OINKS
30. Obey a court order RISE
31. Parcel (out) METE
33. 1980s-’90s Notre Dame football coach Lou HOLTZ
36. Medieval Turko-Mongol settlers TARTARS
37. Comfortable WELL-OFF
39. National flower of Mexico DAHLIA
40. Jacket material SUEDE
41. Strauss piece WALTZ
42. Common applicator Q-TIP
43. Like an Irish Terrier’s outer coat WIRY
44. Flaky mineral MICA
45. Long-distance calling org.? SETI
46. “Miracle on Ice” loser USSR
48. __ Romana PAX
49. Battle of Britain gp. RAF
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