Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday June 4th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Indian state bordering Bhutan ASSAM
6. Lab glassware eponym PETRI
11. AOL, e.g ISP
14. Bridges SPANS
15. Hamal’s constellation ARIES
16. Indianapolis’ __ Dome RCA
17. 2008 Jack Black title role KUNG FU PANDA
19. Shipping nickname ARI
20. Considers with disdain SNEERS AT
21. Spoke quietly? SIGNED
23. Sch. with a Riverhead campus LIU
24. Lure SEDUCE
25. Film for which Anthony Quinn won an Oscar VIVA ZAPATA!
30. Author Morrison TONI
32. Benz finish -ENE
33. Tender in Warsaw ZLOTY
34. Proceeds WENDS
35. Georgia of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” ENGEL
37. Bapt., e.g. REL
38. Austrian composer Webern ANTON
39. Pet problem? PEEVE
40. Some cake layers TIERS
42. Grill guard : U.S. :: __ bar : Australia ROO
43. Span. title SRTA
44. Holder of an affectionate message CANDY HEART
46. Destructive type VANDAL
48. JFK, for one DEM
49. Tidbit MORSEL
50. Most like a dive SEEDIEST
55. Richard __ III
56. Genre of Madonna’s “Ray of Light” album ELECTRONICA
58. Longtime Elton John label MCA
59. Show shown over RERUN
60. Discussion venue FORUM
61. Poetic twilight E’EN
62. Fluid accumulation EDEMA
63. Ridges on the neck FRETS
1. Wants in payment ASKS
2. Like flax SPUN
3. Levelheaded SANE
4. German chancellor Merkel ANGELA
5. ”The Magic School Bus” teacher MS FRIZZLE
6. Family nickname PAPA
7. Proof word ERAT
8. Element in some solder TIN
9. Site of a major part of the Bible? RED SEA
10. Start of a repeat I SAID
11. 1980s scandal IRAN-CONTRA
12. Bug barrier SCREEN DOOR
13. Like a pro PAID
18. Everyday USUAL
22. ”__ Morgen!” GUTEN
24. Arranged STYLED
25. Nixon and Ford VEEPS
26. Angel on one’s shoulder, so to speak INNER VOICE
27. Flier’s request VEGETARIAN
28. Classical entrance PORTAL
29. Used the dining room ATE IN
31. Tot’s rebuttal IS NOT!
34. Cleaned WASHED OFF
36. Novak’s TV partner EVANS
41. Its first truck was a Ford Model A RYDER
44. Canceled due to rain, say CALLED
45. Key of Sibelius’ First Symphony E MINOR
47. Big name on the farm DEERE
49. One apparently trapped behind glass MIME
50. Pond build-up SCUM
51. Peak west of the Ionian Sea ETNA
52. The Auld Sod EIRE
53. Rabbit’s tail SCUT
54. Highland tops TAMS
57. ”And Venus sets __ Mercury can rise”: Pope ERE
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