Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday, November 7th 2015, LA
Times crossword puzzle.
1. Four Corners collectible NAVAJO RUG
10. Edit, as a soundtrack REDUB
15. “Be right there” ONE MINUTE
16. Dior style A-LINE
17. Window-adjusting tool SCROLL BAR
18. Sheep or goat BOVID
19. Two after love? THIRTY
20. Aria from “Carmen” HABANERA
22. Some drills ROTES
23. Champagne toast SALUT
24. English lit pseudonym BOZ
25. Greek counterpart of 38-Across ARES
26. Bounty maker, briefly P AND G
27. R&B’s __ II Men BOYZ
28. Murky milieus FENS
29. __ cracker ANIMAL
31. Facing dauntlessly BRAVING
35. Like sparkling wine ABUBBLE
36. Real estate pioneer with a Long Island town named for him LEVITT
37. Clan member SCOT
38. Norse counterpart of 25-Across ODIN
39. American Leaguer since 2013 ASTRO
41. Ray BEAM
45. 1975 ABC debut, for short GMA
46. Like music to one’s ears? ON KEY
47. Skater Harding TONYA
48. Best ever CAT’S MEOW
50. Evil ROTTEN
51. Splatter catcher APRON
52., for one RAP ARTIST
54. Baggage carousel feeder SLIDE
55. Eatery serving 47-Downs TRATTORIA
56. State with a red, white and blue flag TEXAS
57. Strips at a party STREAMERS
1. Pisan possessive NOSTRA
2. It’s dropped on purpose ANCHOR
3. Cinema __ VERITE
4. Ovid work AMORES
5. Dumps JILTS
6. Just ONLY
7. Prepare for a grilling RUB
8. Jazz followers UTAHANS
9. Memorable ’70s Ford GERALD
10. Capital SSW of Tangier RABAT
11. Tar Heel State campus ELON
12. Attack from above DIVE-BOMB
13. 1964 World’s Fair giant tire Ferris wheel creator UNIROYAL
14. Enchant BEDAZZLE
21. Cause of worry BUGABOO
23. Blabbed SANG
26. Compound with five carbon atoms PENTANE
27. Crab house accessory BIB
28. In good shape FIT
30. Fruit served with a cracker? NUT
31. Online clip BLOGCAST
32. Colorful fall tree RED MAPLE
33. Anne Morrow Lindbergh, but not Charles AVIATRIX
34. Café quaff VIN
35. “__ in the Dark”: 1988 Neill/Streep film A CRY
37. Noah’s predecessor STEWART
40. Hybrid apparel SKORTS
41. Rear end BOTTOM
42. Complete ENTIRE
43. Bos’n’s response AYE, SIR
44. Large rays MANTAS
46. Exeunt __: all go out OMNES
47. 55-Across dessert TORTA
49. __ cracker SODA
50. Assign value to RATE
53. Four on Augusta’s fifth PAR
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