Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday November 12th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Where member golfers gather, familiarly THE CLUB
8 Tybalt’s house CAPULET
15 French roll ROULEAU
16 Cognizant of ALIVE TO
17 Like some wake-up hours UNGODLY
18 Wine product VINEGAR
19 Biases SKEWS
20 Corp. fundraiser IPO
22 Greeted at the door SAW IN
23 Dollywood locale: Abbr. TENN
24 __ door STORM
26 Broadway seductress LOLA
27 “__ tu”: Verdi aria ERI
28 Oater accessory TIN STAR
30 Like half a deck RED
31 French appetizer ESCARGOT
33 Hall of Fame knuckleballer Phil NIEKRO
35 “Got a minute?” CAN WE TALK?
37 Ponderosa order RIBEYE
40 Performer who must be from 5’6″ to 5’10½” tall ROCKETTE
44 No power can change it ONE
45 Calder sculpture STABILE
47 Burgundy on screen RON
48 Cookware portmanteau T-FAL
50 Took STOLE
51 Paris green? PARC
52 Wyandot people HURON
54 Tournament pass BYE
55 Axle in a wooden toy DOWEL
56 One of two nuclides with the same neutron number but different proton numbers ISOTONE
58 Contest name coined by its eventual winner THRILLA
60 London-based news agency REUTERS
61 Goes underground TUNNELS
62 Elaine’s home, in Arthurian legend ASTOLAT
63 Me time? EGO TRIP
1 Board member TRUSTEE
3 Concerned with good breeding EUGENIC
4 One who’s not serious CLOWN
5 Some arena displays, briefly LEDS
6 O’Hare initials UAL
7 eBay option BUY IT NOW
8 Frolic CAVORT
9 “Aladdin” prince ALI
10 Strike victims? PINS
11 __ layer: eye part UVEAL
12 Old-fashioned investigation LEGWORK
13 Noncash business E-TAILER
14 Phenomenon measured by the Enhanced Fujita Scale TORNADO
21 Prime example POSTER BOY
24 Small seals SIGNETS
25 Handcuff MANACLE
28 Printer inserts TRAYS
29 “The Book of Hours” poet RILKE
32 Top performer ACE
34 Squeeze (out) EKE
36 Grooming process TOILETTE
37 Estate planner’s advice ROTH IRA
38 Imbues INFUSES
39 Back up BEAR OUT
41 Net user TRAWLER
42 Baroque composer Giuseppe __ TORELLI
43 Embrace ENCLASP
46 Ideally AT BEST
49 Numbers game LOTTO
51 Essential thing POINT
53 Winter air NOEL
55 1962 title villain played by Joseph Wiseman DR NO
57 FDR program NRA
59 Embrace HUG
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