Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday October 20th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Name derived from a Kyrgyz word meaning “sea of islands” ARAL
5. __ therapy GENE
9. Food quality SAPOR
14. Makes a play for MOVES IN ON
16. Patriotic nickname US OF A
17. Start of many a puzzle ONE-ACROSS
18. Enjoys a course GOLFS
19. Stopped using KICKED THE HABIT
21. Addie’s husband in “As I Lay Dying” ANSE
22. “Our acts make or __ us”: Victor Hugo MAR
23. Fee: Abbr. CHG
25. “The Night They Invented Champagne” musical GIGI
27. Curved sword, to Brits SABRE
29. Elver, e.g. EEL
30. Bug DEFECT
32. In a happy place GLAD
33. __ Fridays TGI
34. “Seriously?” IT IS?
35. Hard-to-find items, to collectors RARES
37. Teller’s output YARN
38. Sydney’s st. NSW
39. Strong reaction RISE
40. “No more!” STOP IT!
42. First cloned mammal EWE
43. Increased UPPED
45. Shaded HUED
46. Noël Coward, for one SIR
47. Proverbial team feature? NO I
48. Where Zeno taught ELEA
50. Experimental vehicle SELF-DRIVING CAR
56. “Twilight” author Stephenie MEYER
57. “Nurse Jackie” Emmy winner EDIE FALCO
58. Compensate (for) ATONE
59. Quick to recover RESILIENT
60. Wet DOUSE
61. Spotted SEEN
62. Refusals NOES
1. Out of control AMOK
2. Pasta __: food brand RONI
3. “__ plaisir!” AVEC
4. Auto fluid problems LEAKAGES
5. Braces (oneself) GIRDS
6. Online reminders E-NOTES
7. It can tide you over NOSH
8. Harmonious outfit ENSEMBLE
9. Like many donuts SUGARED
10. Tell __ story: elicit sympathy A SOB
11. Legal barrier POLICE TAPE
12. How some survivalists live OFF THE GRID
13. __ al-Khaimah: UAE emirate RAS
15. __ route SCENIC
20. Hound HARASS
24. Sparkle GLINT
25. Sees through GETS WISE TO
26. “Here’s my advice … ” IF I WERE YOU
28. Go along AGREE
30. Patronizes, with “at” DINES
31. Word from the Greek for “three-footed” TRIPOD
36. Wannabes ASPIRERS
37. “I thought we were done” YOU AGAIN?
39. What animals do in the wild RUN FREE
41. Roger Goodell’s gp. THE NFL
44. Work out DEVISE
49. Protest where people do and don’t take a stand? LIE-IN
51. Viewpoint, metaphorically LENS
52. One from a penseur IDEE
53. “Pinocchio” goldfish CLEO
54. Often embarrassing outbreak ACNE
55. Doesn’t keep ROTS
56. __ money MAD
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