Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday October 8th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Decorative border HEMSTITCH
10 Business investment? SUIT
14 Regardless IN ANY CASE
15 Black-and-white vegetarian PANDA
16 Black-and-white POLICE CAR
17 One putting two and two together ADDER
18 Exit discreetly SLIP OUT
19 Ivory, e.g. BAR SOAP
21 Unannounced, as a quiz POP
22 Beyond silly WACKO
23 Corroded EATEN
26 Protect against harm, in a way VACCINATE
30 It’s about 40.5 for Pittsburgh, Pa N LAT
31 Inspiration for a red shade FIRE ENGINE
32 Tirana is its cap ALB
33 One of ten in the Kentucky Derby FURLONG
34 ”Gr8 joke!” LOL
35 Classroom no-no CALLING OUT
37 Where le nez is TETE
38 Typical ham feature THEATRICS
39 More twisted WRYER
40 Cleared the room, perhaps STUNK
41 Inc. magazine subject CEO
42 A museum in Pesaro, Italy, marks his birthplace ROSSINI
45 Alternative histories WHAT-IFS
49 Possible response to “I raise” ALL IN
50 Words seen before a dollar sign AMOUNT DUE
52 Filmmaker’s __ light KLIEG
53 Only you NO ONE ELSE
54 Casual food EATS
55 Formal choice SILK DRESS
1 Swinging joints? HIPS
2 Organic compound ENOL
3 Landlocked African country MALI
4 Fragment SNIPPET
5 Business VIP TYCOON
6 Freeze ICE UP
7 Careful handling TACT
8 Union foe in the 19th cen CSA
9 Not woody, to a botanist HERBACEOUS
10 Tearjerker SAD SONG
11 Command following “Oops!” UNDO
12 Flash, maybe IDEA
13 Weather protection TARP
15 Downtown challenge PARKING
20 Reason for a misunderstanding ACCENT
22 Black arts practitioner WARLOCK
23 Make law ENACT
24 Quran deity ALLAH
25 Stand with a leaf TABLE
26 Jefferson and others VIRGINIANS
27 Dancer posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2014 AILEY
28 Govt. issue T-NOTE
29 Pot-using sportsman EELER
31 2K, say FUN RUN
33 Tailor’s service FITTING
36 Many Aberdeen residents LASSIES
37 Harness racer TROTTER
39 Withdrew gradually WEANED
41 Piece CHUNK
42 Casino tool RAKE
43 Paella cooker OLLA
44 Clothing opening SLIT
45 Clothing material WOOL
46 Off IDLE
47 Bellyache FUSS
48 Gets it SEES
51 ”Excusez-__” MOI
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