Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Sunday August 4th 2024, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Fuses : WELDS
6 Fuse : UNITE
11 Microsoft’s web browser : EDGE
15 Bar : BAN
18 Really fowl? : AVIAN
19 “Fuller House” actor John : STAMOS
20 Like a leaf blower : LOUD
21 “Flamin’ Hot” director Longoria : EVA
22 Goal of a dog running an agility course? : GET TO THE HOOP
24 “, Brute?” : ET TU
25 Talk by a rev. : SER
26 Adds nutrients to, as flour : ENRICHES
27 Mass x acceleration : FORCE
29 Provide fare for an affair : CATER
31 Vibe : TENOR
32 Teddy bear picnic need : TEA SET
34 Betting setting : CASINO
35 Wildebeest : GNU
36 Arrive too late for the blanket giveaway? : MISS A FREE THROW
38 Chrysalides, e.g. : PUPAE
41 Art able to : CANST
42 Cove, e.g. : INLET
43 Stringed instrument : HARP
44 World’s third-largest river, by volume : CONGO
45 Thanksgiving Day Parade sponsor : MACY’S
47 Really grate on : RILE
51 Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle? : DEEP THREE
53 Hajj destination : MECCA
54 Ride a bike : PEDAL
55 Branch of Islam : SHIA
56 Two-tone bear : PANDA
57 Handles : FIELDS
58 Saint-Tropez sea : MER
61 Garden privacy border made of psychoactive plants? : ILLEGAL SCREEN
65 Part of REM : EYE
66 Graduates : ALUMNI
68 Major artery : AORTA
69 Sch. between Mex. and N. Mex. : UTEP
71 Nom de plume : ALIAS
72 HS assessments : PSATS
73 Gutter ball? : ALLEY OOPS
78 List of options : MENU
79 Los Angeles art museum : GETTY
80 Salty side : FRIES
81 Appeal : PLEA
82 Big name in tractors : DEERE
84 Pam of “Jackie Brown” : GRIER
85 Petrichor, e.g. : SCENT
86 All of the reporters covering a trial? : FULL COURT PRESS
91 Brains behind a tech startup? : CPU
92 Ed who plays Donald Sterling in the miniseries “Clipped” : O’NEILL
93 Lambaste : BERATE
94 New Hampshire state flower : LILAC
97 Tehran resident : IRANI
98 Take over a dance : CUT IN
99 Seats near the action : FRONT ROW
102 “Sneakers” actor Kingsley : BEN
103 Lowly worker : PEON
105 Basketball stat, and what can be found in six of this puzzle’s long answers : DOUBLE-DOUBLE
108 Back muscle, briefly : LAT
109 “Not long now” : SOON
110 Over the moon : ELATED
111 Loops : FROOT
112 “Rockaria!” rock gp. : ELO
113 Sports award : ESPY
114 Chip dip : SALSA
115 Forest fronds : FERNS
1 Pay : WAGE
2 Vault or beam, in gymnastics : EVENT
3 Petrol unit : LITRE
4 Modern matchmakers : DATING APPS
5 Ice-and-syrup treat : SNO-CONE
6 Some Numic speakers : UTES
7 “Prolly not” : NAH
8 Letters introducing a judgment : IMO
9 85 in a 55, say : TOO FAST
10 Evita, to Juan Perón : ESPOSA
11 Lyriq or Leaf : ELECTRIC CAR
12 Coddle, with “on” : DOTE
13 Instinct : GUT
14 Teach : EDUCATE
15 Awaken : BESTIR
16 Skin care brand whose name comes from the Latin for “oats” : AVEENO
17 Like a slot canyon : NARROW
19 “_ Used To Be Mine”: Sara Bareilles song : SHE
23 Not ’round? : THRU
28 Pro coin flipper : REF
30 Plant with helicopter seeds : ASH TREE
32 Hint : TINGE
33 Sylvan : “Hey Mami” folktronica duo : ESSO
34 Animation stills : CELS
36 Head locks? : MANE
37 Artist who has recorded in Tolkien’s fictional language : ENYA
38 Post-M.A. pursuit : PHD
39 Fed. next to Oman : UAE
40 Not post- : PRE-
41 Undersea colony creator : CORAL
44 Cook-off bowlful : CHILI
45 Smart society : MENSA
46 “Hells Bells” band : AC/DC
48 Lounging : IDLE
49 British title : LADY
50 If not : ELSE
52 Adds water to : THINS
53 Soda fountain drinks : MALTS
54 Like some air fresheners : PINEY
56 Celebration : PARTY
57 Celebrations : FETES
58 “, this is a Wendy’s” : MA’AM
59 Romance novelist Kennedy : ELLE
60 Destroy : RUIN
62 Hopping holiday figure : EASTER BUNNY
63 Farm animal in some yoga classes : GOAT
64 Mathematician who wrote the first theorem of graph theory : EULER
67 Schmaltzy : MAUDLIN
70 References in some crossword clues : POP CULTURE
72 Machu Picchu country : PERU
73 Rally : ARISE
74 Fabrications : LIES
75 Cheer after un gol : OLE
76 Write : PEN
77 Perched : SAT
79 Subj. of John McPhee’s “Annals of the Former World” : GEOL
80 Guitar component : FRET
83 Celestial obscuration : ECLIPSE
84 Yogurt topping : GRANOLA
85 Prequel series, essentially : SPIN-OFF
86 Quirk : FOIBLE
87 “Far out!” : UNREAL
88 Shanty : LEAN-TO
89 Hanoi holiday : TET
90 Lion families : PRIDES
91 Lump of earth : CLOD
95 Trellised archway : ARBOR
96 Two-dot punctuation : COLON
98 Flock flat : COOP
99 _ market : FLEA
100 Vermilion : RED
101 Hoses down : WETS
104 Dawn goddess : EOS
106 LUV competitor : UAL
107 “Boy With Luv” band : BTS
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