Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Sunday December 8th 2024, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Tiny tot : MOPPET
7 Snakes with hoods : COBRAS
13 _ Empire: Genghis Khan’s realm : MONGOL
19 Get out of a bind? : UNLASH
20 Child’s coveralls? : APRONS
21 Laments : BEMOANS
24 Fearing the worst : ALARMED
25 _ Valley: Reagan Library site : SIMI
26 Mara of “Women Talking” : ROONEY
27 Compadres : CRONIES
28 Rock musical set in New York’s East Village : RENT
30 74-Down suggestion: Abbr. : RTE
31 Los Angeles mayor Bass : KAREN
33 Shark’s appendage : FIN
35 Schlemiels on wheels? : GOOBER DRIVERS
39 Goo : OOZE
40 Droop under pressure : SAG
43 Lena of “Chocolat” : OLIN
44 Abated : WANED
45 Like pastrami : CURED
46 “I Will Never Let You Down” singer Rita : ORA
47 Intro, in journalism jargon : LEDE
48 Rowing machine, familiarly : ERG
49 Unstated : TACIT
51 Gets more life out of : REUSES
53 Million-dollar smile? : GLAM CHOPS
56 Lid : HAT
59 Bona fide : VALID
60 _ du jour: bistro special : PLAT
62 Give the slip : ELUDE
63 None : ZERO
64 “Let’s do this!” : I’M IN
65 Spoken : ORAL
66 “Such a pity!” : ALAS
67 Former name of Exxon : ESSO
68 Prefix with gram or second : NANO-
69 Lena Dunham TV series : GIRLS
71 Horse-pulled cart : DRAY
72 Expedia search results : RATES
73 Elect (to) : OPT
74 Fully understand and appreciate a night at the Met? : GROK OPERA
76 The “D” of FDR : DELANO
77 Really wound up : HYPER
79 Fertility clinic cells : OVA
80 Balkan native : SLAV
82 Copacabana setting : RIO
83 Sets loose : FREES
85 Sean of “The Lord of the Rings” : ASTIN
87 Towering : TALL
88 Male offspring : SON
89 Dexterous : DEFT
90 Set where Geico commercials are shot? : GECKO LOCATION
94 Poet laureate Limón : ADA
95 _ to go: fixin’ for a fight : RARIN’
96 Caustic chemical : LYE
97 Gestures of recognition : NODS
100 Dubai, for one : EMIRATE
103 “… if you say so” : I GUESS
106 Part of a putter : GRIP
108 Formed a union : SAID “I DO”
109 Took on divine roles? : PLAYED THE GODS
112 Spilling salt, perhaps : ILL OMEN
113 Salon creation : HAIRDO
114 Dresses with a certain flare : A-LINES
115 Worked in a salon : STYLED
116 Partake of : DINE ON
117 “You should believe me!” : HONEST
1 Clowns in front of a camera : MUGS
2 “Don’t interrupt!” studio sign : ON AIR
3 Large feather : PLUME
4 Summoning, in a way : PAGING
5 Language suffix : -ESE
6 2011 Marvel film directed by Kenneth Branagh : THOR
7 Pumpkin pigment : CAROTENE
8 Series starter : OPENER
9 Highland hill : BRAE
10 Flushed, as cheeks : ROSY
11 “Yeah, that’s _ from me” : A NO
12 ID with nine digits : SSN
13 Fruit salad fruit : MELONS
14 Muscat’s country : OMAN
15 Tuna roll seaweed : NORI
16 “Hollywood Squares”? : GAME FOR THE STARS
17 Like adjustable hats and most scarves : ONE-SIZE
18 Drug in Michael Pollan’s “How to Change Your Mind” : LSD
21 Less covered : BARER
23 Proscribe : FORBID
27 Rep on the street : CRED
29 Hand-_ leather : TOOLED
31 Checkers demand : KING ME
32 “_ Maria” : AVE
34 Actor Beatty : NED
36 Estadio cheers : OLES
37 Lived, to a Brit : DWELT
38 _ avis : RARA
39 “Sí,” in Paree : OUI
40 Mira of “Shining Vale” : SORVINO
41 AAA offering : AREA MAP
42 French connection? : GAUL IN THE FAMILY
45 Includes in an email : CCS
49 “No more putting this off!” : TODAY!
50 Parrots : APES
52 -Tibetan languages : SINO
53 Big name in California viticulture : GALLO
54 Santa : Silicon Valley city : CLARA
55 Luau performance : HULA
57 Hall of TV fame : ARSENIO
58 “Don’t joke about that yet” : TOO SOON
60 Earlier : PRIOR
61 Carefree adventure : LARK
63 Ardor : ZEAL
65 Shrek, for one : OGRE
70 Absolutely correct : SPOT ON
71 Pipe-clearing brand : DRANO
72 Maker of ColorStay cosmetics : REVLON
74 Navigation tech : GPS
75 Bad to the bone : EVIL
76 “Melting clocks” painter Salvador : DALI
78 Nonetheless : YET
80 Decided not to retire : STAYED ON
81 Up-to-the-minute : LATEST
83 Rx overseer : FDA
84 Corrected a distribution error : REDEALT
85 Farm division : ACRE
86 Master moguls : SKI
90 Like students and sidewalks : GRADED
91 Stationery brand : EATON
92 British name for a murder mystery board game : CLUEDO
93 Gourd : NOGGIN
98 Source of some aerial photography : DRONE
99 Fries, tots, slaw, etc. : SIDES
101 Swift, to Swifties : IDOL
102 Winter coat : RIME
103 “Young Sheldon” actor Armitage : IAIN
104 Circular current : GYRE
105 Former Iranian ruler : SHAH
107 Attention-getting hiss : PSST
108 Bro kin : SIS
109 Prof’s deg., often : PHD
110 Poem of medieval France : LAI
111 “Xanadu” rock gp. : ELO
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