Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Saturday, February 6th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. R&B Foods brand since 2014 RAGU
5. Potential diamond winner GO-AHEAD RUN
15. Old Testament book AMOS
16. Far from perfect ERROR PRONE
17. Prepare for a meal MAKE
18. Bakery aisle offerings ONION ROLLS
19. Burpee product PLANT SEEDS
21. Place to build PLOT
22. Get together AGREE
23. D-Day transport LST
24. Indicator of stress: Abbr. ITAL
25. 1997 Hawke/Thurman sci-fi film GATTACA
28. Cell terminal ANODE
29. Hummingbird’s pair? EMS
30. Guzzle CHUG
32. Kudos PROPS
33. Old, fading ad on a building GHOST SIGN
35. Jazz dance STOMP
37. “Aaugh!” OH NO!
38. Avoid, as an issue BEG
41. Crystal of country GAYLE
42. Poisonous plant in the nightshade family HENBANE
44. How some data is backed up ON CD
45. Low-fat meat source EMU
48. Busters NARCS
49. Psalm words O GOD
53. Most elementary level GROUND ZERO
55. Cyan relative AQUA
56. Putty base LINSEED OIL
57. Crave, with “for” LUST
58. Newark neighbor EAST ORANGE
59. Nantes noodle? TETE
1. Agitated state RAMPAGE
2. Mixture AMALGAM
3. Mario game racers GO-KARTS
4. Online discussion venue USENET
5. Storms of the ’90s GEOS
6. Alençon’s department ORNE
7. Fourth-largest moon of Uranus ARIEL
8. Range protectors HOODS
9. Physicist Mach ERNST
10. Diamond birthstone mo. APR
11. Surprise with a visit DROP IN ON
12. Antique shop furniture item ROLLTOP
13. Vents UNLOADS
14. Get cozy NESTLE
20. “I want to learn” TEACH ME
26. Ocean turbulence CHOP
27. It borders It. AUS
28. French battle site in WWI ARGONNE
31. “Little modified Pon-Pon” in a 1964 hit GTO
32. Needle source PINE
33. Valuable particles GOLD DUST
34. Proctor’s warning SHH!
35. Wine-and-fruit beverage SANGRIA
36. Barons TYCOONS
38. Bernini’s genre BAROQUE
39. Coat, in a way ENCRUST
40. Develop over time, as an idea GESTATE
41. Android developer GOOGLE
43. Volcanic rock BASALT
45. Superior ELDER
46. Tribute maker MAZDA
47. Apply to USE ON
51. Course with many angles, briefly TRIG
52. Something to fill ROLE
54. Hero in a virtual reality film trilogy NEO
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