Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Sunday January 14th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. “I’m waiting … ” TAP TAP
7. “Volunteers?” ANYONE?
13. Bobbing refuse FLOTSAM
20. Word with man or dope INSIDE
21. Like typical laundromats COIN-OP
22. Affluent San Diego community LA JOLLA
23. Tolerate shrubland? STAND THE HEATH
25. Crowd-drawing bars IN SPOTS
26. Ancient queen, familiarly CLEO
27. Pot for paella OLLA
28. Sicilian six SEI
29. Sports figure STAT
30. Sewer needs PATTERNS
34. Hates DEPLORES
37. MLB set a season record for them in 2017 HRS
38. Times to call, in ads EVES
39. Markers IOUS
41. Submerged threat REEF
42. Office supply quantity REAM
44. Term in wrestling or bowling PIN
45. .3 rings? CIRCUS TENTH
48. Doctor’s orders X-RAYS
51. Receiver of many letters SANTA
53. Actress Kathryn ERBE
54. Pocket breads PITAS
56. BCS org. NCAA
57. Franklin’s 1936 opponent ALF
59. Spanish coin EURO
61. Local pic shower NABE
62. Distress signal? OH MY
63. One who’s learned SCHOLAR
67. Pres. after USG… RBH
68. Langley org. CIA
69. Online exchange, briefly IMS
70. Troon turndowns NAES
71. Texas team’s fair exhibit? COWBOY BOOTH
75. Basie’s “__’Clock Jump” ONE O
76. Director DuVernay AVA
77. Actor Vigoda ABE
78. Bard’s dusk E’EN
79. Lumber mill workers SAWYERS
81. BOLO target PERP
83. It can be hammered out DENT
85. Runway adornment SASH
87. “__ me ae spark o’ Nature’s fire”: Burns GIE
88. London’s __ Modern TATE
89. Some Deco works ERTES
91. Sea, with “the” DEEP
93. Maestro Georg SZELL
97. Different OTHER
99. Loyalty from a farm bird? TURKEY TROTH
102. Overtake in a race, in a way LAP
103. Grammy winner Jason MRAZ
105. Schoolmarmish PRIM
106. One given to forward looks SEER
107. Similar AKIN
108. East Lansing sch. MSU
110. “How clever of you!” NEAT IDEA!
113. Office supplies, or, minus a letter, a supplier of them STAPLERS
115. Nashville attraction OPRY
117. Spanish 116-Down ANO
118. Howard’s wife, to the Fonz MRS C
120. Letters before a view IMHO
121. Half of nothing new? SAME OLD
123. Successful religious conversion? FAITH ACCOMPLI
128. Peru neighbor ECUADOR
129. “The Wind in the Willows” croaker MR TOAD
130. Shamed ABASED
131. Saw-toothed SERRATE
132. Blouse partners SKIRTS
133. Already-seen fare RERUNS
1. “‘__ some visitor,’ I muttered … “: Poe ‘TIS
2. __ farm ANT
3. TV awareness-raiser PSA
4. Colors TINCTS
5. Confuse ADDLE
6. Teenage Russian emperor (1727-1730) PETER II
7. Pitching staff leader ACE
8. Acronymic NYC neighborhood NOHO
9. Give in YIELD
10. Ready ON ALERT
11. “Shh!” NOT A PEEP!
12. N.T. book EPH
13. Paper under a wiper FLIER
14. Man-made Georgia lake LANIER
15. Screwdriver parts, for short OJS
16. Best TOPS
17. Apparatus that breeds laziness? SLOTH MACHINE
18. Union setting ALTAR
19. Spinnaker holders MASTS
24. Writer __ de Balzac HONORE
28. Tortilla treat SOFT TACO
30. Livens (up) PEPS
31. Nike competitor AVIA
32. N.C. neighbor TENN
33. Bolivian capital SUCRE
35. Red Square honoree LENIN
36. __ roles SEX
40. Literally, “under city” SUBURB
43. Ponte Vecchio’s river ARNO
45. See the bet CALL
46. __-Croatian SERBO
47. They’re hard to break HABITS
49. Whine YAMMER
50. Decision makers have them SAY-SOS
52. New Mexico art hub TAOS
55. Witch enemy of Popeye SEA HAG
58. False front FACADE
60. “Without a doubt” OH YES
63. Acknowledge the brass SNAP TO
64. Admonition CAVEAT
65. Sound from a dying fire? HEARTH MURMUR
66. Stack seen on-screen ROBERT
72. Approached WENT UP TO
73. Small and glittering, like eyes BEADY
74. Beginnings ONSETS
75. Court cry OYEZ!
80. Something made on a star? WISH
82. Jury member PEER
84. Country singer Gibbs TERRI
86. Glass-raised word HERE’S
90. Accident investigation clue SKID MARK
92. __ license POETIC
94. Sommer of “The Prize” ELKE
95. Animal house LAIR
96. Hosp. personnel LPNS
98. Headed up RAN
100. Academic retirees EMERITI
101. Ore carrier TRAM CAR
104. Gung-ho type ZEALOT
107. 10-time Gold Glove winner Roberto ALOMAR
108. Early receiver of tablets MOSES
109. __ bar SPACE
111. Netman Agassi ANDRE
112. Fur tycoon ASTOR
114. Suffix with xeno- PHOBE
116. English 117-Across YEAR
119. Series of 69-Across CHAT
122. “Ghost” psychic __ Mae Brown ODA
123. Radio settings FMS
124. Reasons for some sportscast split screens ADS
125. Big Ten sch. PSU
126. Novelist Deighton LEN
127. Picks out of a mug book IDS
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