Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Sunday May 17th 2020, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 “Please stay” DON’T GO
7 Fallopian tube neighbor OVARY
12 __ Beta Kappa PHI
15 Just peachy, in old slang OKE
18 Tool for winter fishing ICE SAW
19 “I swear!” NO LIE
20 Royal problem? PAIN
21 Superhero sound effect POW
22 Mad money? STEAMED CLAMS
24 Lingerie brand OLGA
25 Chapter in history ERA
26 Close-knit team CADRE
27 Navel type OUTIE
28 Grant money? WISH BONES
30 Takes too much, briefly ODS
31 The OED’s 21,728, e.g. PAGES
33 Australian rockers __ at Work MEN
34 Shoot for AIM AT
35 Voice below soprano ALTO
36 French toppers BERETS
39 NFL pass rushers, as a unit D-LINE
40 Hot money? BUFFALO BILLS
45 They’re used for emphasis ITALICS
47 Olympian Bolt USAIN
48 Bit of info DATUM
49 Nasty type MEANIE
50 Social media pic that may go viral MEME
51 Intrinsically PER SE
52 Ransom money? SPRING ROLL
56 Amtrak track RAIL
57 Talk Like a Pirate Day word ARR
58 Undoing BANE
60 “What else could it be?!” DUH
61 Go head to head VIE
62 From sunup to sundown ALL DAY
64 Afterwords EPILOGS
67 Greek goddess of wisdom ATHENA
69 Hawaiian staple POI
70 Gamer’s complaint LAG
72 Arrived at, as a conclusion DREW
73 BuzzFeed reaction button LOL
75 Wears on IRKS
76 Old money? STALE BREAD
79 Dishes out incautiously SLOPS
81 Sister of Rachel LEAH
82 Mercedes-Benz sedan line E-CLASS
83 “What are you gonna do about it?!” SUE ME
84 Put on STAGE
85 Should really HAD BEST
87 Paper money? EDITOR’S NOTES
89 Type of drum or dance CONGA
90 Cassock wearer PRIEST
92 Long, long time AEON
93 Heavenly body? ANGEL
94 Bear in Baja OSO
95 Seder staple MATZO
97 Pres. when Sputnik was launched DDE
100 Bad money? SOUR DOUGH
103 Hindu teacher SWAMI
105 Rumble in the Jungle setting ZAIRE
107 Celtic Sea land, to the IOC… IRL
108 Hard end? WARE
109 Smart money? SHARP CHEDDAR
111 Wonderland drink TEA
112 “I would consider __ honor” IT AN
113 Backwoods type YOKEL
114 Self-referential “Don’t you think?” AREN’T I
115 Fizzy prefix AER
116 Flyers’ org. NHL
117 Witherspoon of “Wild” REESE
118 African pest TSETSE
1 ’70s music genre DISCO
2 Pie slices, often OCTAD
3 Water and air, e.g. NEEDS
4 Peter the Great, e.g. TSAR
5 Strategy GAME PLAN
6 Be indebted to OWE
7 As expected ON CUE
8 Battery count VOLTS
9 Jai __ ALAI
10 Ancient mariner’s story, e.g. RIME
11 Positive answer YES
12 Besties PALS
13 Runner’s __ HIGH
14 Unfavorably IN A BAD LIGHT
15 Feature of club nights for comic wannabes OPEN MIC
16 Main cast of “Parasite,” e.g. KOREANS
17 Discarded old PCs, say E-WASTE
20 Finer-tipped POINTIER
23 Well-intentioned humanitarian DO-GOODER
28 Like a bairn WEE
29 Fried foods, vis-à-vis baked ones OILIER
32 Georgia airport code ATL
33 Dash in a spice rack? MRS
35 Word rarely used without “far” AFIELD
36 Living symbol of happiness BLUEBIRD
37 State tree of Massachusetts ELM
38 No-nonsense STAID
40 Undeserved punishments BUM RAPS
41 Rely heavily on USE A LOT
42 Hermanos, primas, etcétera FAMILIA
43 Ballet-inspired workout method BARRE
44 Oft-mispunctuated word ITS
46 Time Person of the Year et al. ANNUALS
49 Compressed file format MPEG
51 Accounts __ PAYABLE
52 Ski slope apparel SNOW SUIT
53 Stuff oneself silly OVEREAT
54 Connection LINKAGE
55 Pet control aids LEASHES
59 Tavern mugful ALE
63 Tina Fey’s boss on “30 Rock” ALEC BALDWIN
65 Devices made largely obsolete by smartphones PDAS
66 NFL ref’s review aid SLO-MO
68 Multinational hotel chain HILTON
71 Understand GRASP
74 Like many La Scala productions OPERATIC
77 Bookkeeper’s book LEDGER
78 Ovarian hormone ESTROGEN
80 Rent LET
83 ’60s protest gp. SDS
84 Big bores SNOOZERS
85 Special guest, perhaps HONOREE
86 Like many Cubist paintings ANGULAR
87 Fair-hiring inits. EEO
88 “__ me!” SEZ
89 Bolivian bungalow CASITA
91 Sorta cousin -ISH
95 Former fillies MARES
96 More than enough AMPLE
97 “__ We Almost Have It All” DIDN’T
98 Mildly annoyed cries DRATS
99 Unnerving EERIE
101 Swear words? OATH
102 River through Orsk URAL
103 Pump, e.g. SHOE
104 Aftermath WAKE
106 “Zip-__-Doo-Dah” A-DEE
109 Home of many 2010s refugees: Abbr. SYR
110 Magician’s source of surprises HAT
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