1 Room freshener? FAN
4 Uninvolved ALOOF
9 Heat unit THERM
14 Ballroom dance WALTZ
19 Start of a diehard motto I FAT FIRST
21 Have second thoughts WAVER
22 Home of the Nez Perce IDAHO
23 Cary, originally ARCHIBALD
24 “The Cooler” co-star
26 Rental sign TO LET
27 Meat cuts LOINS
29 Ken, for one DOLL
30 St. Augustine to W. Palm Beach SSE
31 Paste you taste POI
33 Inert gas XENON
36 Classic art subject NUDE
38 Deride SCOFFAT
42 Actor who played LBJ in “The Right Stuff” DONALD MOFFAT
47 Love seat capacity TWO
48 Grandson of 11 Down ENOS
50 The BB contrabass, e.g. TUBA
51 Indian prince RAJA
52 Organic regimen HERBAL DIET
56 One and only SOLE
58 Airport headache DELAY
59 Tijuana Brass boss ALPERT
60 1968 British comedy, “Only When I ___” LARF
62 Singer Freddy Fender’s real name, ___ Huerta BALDEMAR
64 Casablanca visitor Lund et al. ILSAS
65 “Taken” star’s first name LIAM
67 Argentine poet Jorge ___ Borges LUIS
68 Oft-filmed play about a novelist at a lonely inn SEVEN KEYS TO BALD PATE
76 Gritty film genre NOIR
77 “I ___ spunk” (Lou Grant to Mary) HATE
78 Old marketplace AGORA
80 Bawdy doings RIBALDRY
84 City founded by Pizarro LIMA
86 Rodeo ropes RIATAS
87 ___ alcohol (cosmetics emollient) CETYL
88 “Born from jets” automaker SAAB
90 In need of a Big Brother FATHERLESS
92 Polecat’s defense ODOR
93 Some in the mil. NCOS
95 Impending awfulness DOOM
96 Sportscaster Berman LEN
97 1953 film, “The Beast from ___” 2O,OOO FATHOMS
102 Black-and-white horse PIEBALD
105 Selma Lagerlof boy NILS
106 Practice punches TRAIN
108 Place to soak TUB
109 “Tool Time” assistant and others ALS
112 Canada symbol LEAF
114 Long-billed bird SNIPE
117 Overrun BESET
121 Sexy assassin in “Never Say Never Again” FATIME BLUSH
125 Italian patriot GARIBALDI
127 Duck EVADE
128 Shiver-inducing EERIE
129 Gas amount HALF A TANK
130 Roomy car WAGON
131 Way-out signs EXIT
132 Bit of hair TRESS
133 ___ tai (drink) MAI
1 Proclamation FIAT
2 Lionel Richie’s do, once AFRO
3 Table salt, technically NACL
4 In ___ rage A FIT OF
5 Emancipation, briefly LIB
6 Obtained via interviews ORAL
7 City where “The Scream” was stolen OSLO
8 NJ installation FT DIX
9 “Alas, ___ to be …” TWAS NOT
10 Dave disabled “him” HAL
11 She’s in the first book EVE
12 Gotten: abbr. RECD
13 Cinema spy, formally MR BOND
14 Complying reply WILL DO
15 Tally ADD
16 Words to live by LAWS
17 Noel Coward’s “___ Happy Breed” THIS
18 Torrid, for one ZONE
20 Italy’s longest river THEPO
25 Textile-dyeing compound ALUM
28 Flubber inventor Brainard NED
32 “I saw it not; but ___ it hot in her breath” (Shak.) I FELT
34 Burden ONUS
35 Wealthy one NABOB
37 Stephanie Z.’s dad EFREM
38 Gets louder SWELLS
39 Harry is one in Hitchcock’s “The Trouble With Harry” CORPSE
40 In Spanish, it’s y AND
41 Work hard TOIL
43 Continuation of 44 Down LA LA LA
44 “Deck the Halls” segment FA LA
45 Open a bit AJAR
46 Scottish river or firth TAY
47 Certain SE Asian THAI
49 Mattress maker SEALY
53 Young Cleaver, familiarly BEAV
54 Weapons warehouse ARSENAL
55 Actress Van Devere TRISH
57 Hebrew month ELUL
58 Hopelessness DESPAIR
61 1987 thriller, “___ Attraction” FATAL
63 Accomplished DID
66 Recurring theme MOTIF
69 Cambodia’s Lon ___ NOL
70 Swallowers of Flintstones KIDS
71 Misguided ERRANT
72 Curse and throw things, e.g. BE MAD
73 “I Got ___ in Kalamazoo” A GAL
74 TV oldie, “___ the Truth” TO TELL
75 Wiped clean ERASED
79 Org. ASSN
80 Give a whole new look to REDO
81 “Am ___ late?” I TOO
82 “She Walks in Beauty” poet BYRON
83 Floating home YACHT
85 Word after “perched,” often ATOP
86 Encountered anew REMET
87 The main gas we exhale, briefly CO2
89 Crude one BOOR
91 ___ polloi HOI
94 Runaway hits SMASHES
98 Drill team? OIL MEN
99 Jumpy bug FLEA
100 Busy ___ AS A BEE
101 Wayward path SIN
103 Good ol’ boys BUBBAS
104 Pound ___ (do a cop’s job) A BEAT
107 Time for Dracula NIGHT
109 Some A FEW
110 Bar-soap brand LAVA
111 Guys-only STAG
113 Show off à la Mr. Universe FLEX
115 Early late-night host PAAR
116 Mr. Gardner ERLE
118 Hit hard SLAM
119 Actress ___ May Oliver EDNA
120 Heyerdahl’s “Kon-___” TIKI
122 Solemn assent I DO
123 Site of Tell’s feat URI
124 Be still, perhaps SIT
126 “While supplies last” et al. IFS
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