Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Sunday October 23rd 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Twinkler STAR
5 Block from the White House VETO
9 Sunburn salve ALOE
13 Others, in Oaxaca OTROS
18 Almond __: candy ROCA
19 Like jeggings TIGHT
20 Fist bumps DAPS
21 Talked a blue streak? SWORE
22 Ill-kept confidence OPEN SECRET
24 Seasonal drink APPLE CIDER
26 Tossed a bone to PLACATED
27 Playground retort AM SO!
28 Up-to-the-minute LATEST
29 ”I never __ purple cow … “: Burgess SAW A
30 New Mexico county bordering El Paso OTERO
32 Dance partner ESCORT
34 Mr. or Mrs. ABBR
36 Hard-to-imagine period EON
37 It’s charged ION
38 Winds up or winds down ENDS
42 *English surgeon Henry GRAY
45 Talks like Daffy LISPS
47 Mo. town STL
48 Like a paddling surfer PRONE
49 With 113-Across, “Funeral in Berlin” author LEN
50 Waikiki wingding LUAU
51 Sounded nostalgic about SIGHED AT
55 Tiger, e.g. CAT
56 Churchill, notably ORATOR
58 Curaçao cocktail MAI TAI
60 American Red Cross founder Barton CLARA
62 Prankster’s missile WATER BOMB
64 ”Popeye” pirate SEA HAG
66 Racing Unsers ALS
68 Zen garden piece STONE
69 Match made in heaven SOUL MATES
71 Kept from squeaking OILED
73 Lifesaver, initially EMT
74 Potted dwarf BONSAI
75 *Noted WWII lifesaver SCHINDLER
77 Sticks figure YOKEL
79 Drive-thru burger chain whose name has two hyphens IN-N-OUT
81 Make a home RESIDE
82 Squat NIL
84 Summary OVERVIEW
86 It has Air, Mini and Pro versions IPAD
88 Part of a circ. SEG
89 Fervently wishes PRAYS
91 Stooge with a bowl haircut MOE
92 Center of Florida? EPCOT
94 Govt. guidelines STDS
95 Name on the 1984 album “My Kind of Country” REBA
96 Cologne cooler EIS
97 NYC commuter letters MTA
98 Thunder sound PEAL
100 Pains THROES
103 Courier and Roman FONTS
105 King with a pipe COLE
108 Very destructive LETHAL
111 Nursery cry MAMA!
113 See 49-Across DEIGHTON
115 1990 #1 rap hit ICE ICE BABY
117 Specialized slicing tools BOX CUTTERS
119 Chugged, say DRANK
120 Links seen at URLS
121 Doctoral candidate’s hurdles ORALS
122 Furry sci-fi creature EWOK
123 Huffy states SULKS
124 Duma vote NYET
125 Lose intensity WANE
126 Prevent DENY
1 Letters connected to theater capacity SRO
2 Collectible baseball card brand TOPPS
3 Boston-to-D.C. rail service ACELA
4 Took off RAN AWAY
5 *Second-longest reigning British monarch VICTORIA
6 Blue heron kin EGRET
7 Peter Benchley thriller THE DEEP
8 Giants great Mel OTT
9 *First of all? ADAM
10 Slip LAPSE
11 Facing OPPOSITE
12 Bilingual subj. ESL
13 Award declined by George C. Scott OSCAR
14 Company with a blue bird logo TWITTER
15 Used Lyft, say RODE
16 Mining haul ORES
17 Barcelona-born muralist SERT
19 Leaves for a Chinese dinner TEA
23 Line crosser SCAB
25 SpaceX CEO Musk ELON
27 Chicago’s __ Center AON
31 Carlo __: wine brand ROSSI
33 Money immediately available COLD CASH
35 Book jacket entry BLURB
39 Consequence of the telemarketing boom NO CALL LIST
40 It’s in our genes DNA
41 Disappeared from view SET
42 Looks really happy GLOWS
43 Upgrade, as on Yelp RERATE
44 Vet student’s workplace ANATOMY LAB
46 Send for SUMMON
47 Type of massage SHIATSU
48 Student advocacy gp. PTA
50 Folk tales LORE
52 Ownership claim… and a hint to the relationship of each answer to a starred clue to a word it intersects IT’S MINE!
53 Earth goddess GAEA
54 Subj. with unknowns ALG
57 Approaching the hour TEN TO
59 Coarsely insulting, as language ABUSIVE
61 Vice squad incursions RAIDS
63 Classic for which Pavarotti won a Grammy ’O SOLE MIO
65 Frenzied HECTIC
67 Did some farm work SEEDED
70 Legal scholar Guinier LANI
71 Lacking width and depth ONE-D
72 Worst of the worst DREGS
74 Drink, in Dover BEV
76 Hot IRATE
78 Foreman stat KOS
80 Have a loan from OWE TO
82 ”Fresh Air” airer NPR
83 Country on St. George’s Channel IRE
85 *Memorable 1968 role for Mia ROSEMARY
87 Treat on a stick POPSICLE
90 ”Really, Captain Obvious?” YA THINK?
93 *First human woman, in Greek myth PANDORA
94 Scheduled SLOTTED
96 Perry’s creator ERLE
97 CalArts degree MFA
99 Eight, to Mozart ACHT
101 Street fare seekers HACKS
102 Luxurious fur SABLE
104 Bonnie or Clyde TEXAN
106 Lerner collaborator LOEWE
107 Company with an ironically crooked logo ENRON
108 Shadow targets LIDS
109 Beige shade ECRU
110 Marsh duck TEAL
112 Computer game title island MYST
114 Gloomy fellow GUS
116 Ballerina’s hairdo BUN
117 Tool for Cupid BOW
118 Hawk’s domain SKY
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