Crossword by: Amy Johnson and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Sunday September 15 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! Today’s theme is Tic-Tac-Toe or otherwise known as naughts and crosses XO. To win at tic-tac-toe you need to get either 3 Xs or 3 0s in a row. Each of the themed answers are losers in the game, they contain a series of naughts and crosses Xs and 0s but none of them are winning combinations. The answers are:
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Across Answers
1. Casserole holders MITTS
6. Flood barrier DIKE
10. Santa __, aka “devil winds” ANAS
14. Tut’s home, now TOMB
18. Online payment E CASH
19. OS X basis UNIX
20. Guns REVS
21. At full throttle AMAIN
23. Wonka’s starting hockey team? SIX OOMPA LOOMPAS
26. Say “I do” UNITE
27. 2006 Verizon acquisition MCI
28. Dutch pottery city DELFT
29. Nonstick cookware brand T FAL
30. Clown’s props STILTS
31. Early philosophical hot spot ELEA
33. Island gift LEI
34. Home of the Green Wave TULANE
36. Civil War nickname ABE
37. Much “Sanford and Son” banter? REDD FOXX ONE LINERS
42. Eugene’s st. ORE
44. Cousin of a bald eagle ERN
45. Bygone TV knob HOR
46. High points CLIMAXES
48. Grammy winner Cole PAULA
51. Alley cries MEOWS
53. Org. with Pirates and Sharks AHL
54. Black hues, to Chaucer EBONS
55. Traditional fourth-anniversary gift LINEN
56. Fed. workplace monitor OSHA
57. Hot state IRE
58. Bob or bowl HAIRDO
59. Game with Skip cards UNO
60. Hawaii’s coffee capital KONA
62. Half the taijitu symbol YANG
64. “__ Went Mad”: Riley poem ERE I
65. Cellists’ sect. STR
66. Rockport knockoffs? FAUX OXFORDS
70. Styling stuff GEL
73. Us opponents THEM
76. Certain slip-on MULE
77. Catch some rays BASK
79. Crest letters ADA
80. Like sailors on leave ASHORE
82. Lucrative FAT
83. Epitome of thinness RAIL
85. High points ACMES
87. Polynesian language MAORI
88. ABO designation POS
89. High TIPSY
90. Venerated one SAINT
91. Skating on thin ice IN DANGER
93. Holiday chuckles HOS
94. 21st, e.g.: Abbr. CEN
95. Tokugawa shogunate seat of power EDO
96. Rusty, the Iron Man? SUPERHERO OXYMORON
104. Scripts that may be hard to read RXS
106. Part of ASAP AS SOON
107. Old-fashioned show of affection: Abbr. LTR
108. Project Mercury org. NASA
109. Actress Meredith __-Birney BAXTER
111. Coll. major involving an observatory ASTR
112. Calligrapher’s line SERIF
114. Rotation meas. RPS
115. Skilled pitchers ADMEN
116. Three-letter combinations hidden in this puzzle’s six other longest answers TIC-TAC-TOE LOSERS
119. Hardly certain LEERY
120. Natural soother ALOE
121. Bengay, e.g. BALM
122. “Have a look!” GO SEE
123. Lombardy Castle city ENNA
124. Surfer, perhaps USER
125. Old dagger SNEE
126. Mythical lover of wine and women SATYR
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Down Answers
1. “Animal magnetism” coiner MESMER
2. Frozen drip ICICLE
3. Rolled on a runway TAXIED
4. Menu general TSO
5. Sporting heels SHOD
6. Two-floor apartment DUPLEX
7. Up the creek IN A FIX
8. Highland wear KILT
9. Skeletal prefix EXO
10. Carrying limit ARMFUL
11. Himalayan native NEPALI
12. Ski area concern AVALANCHE
13. Snake’s “Back off!” SSS!
14. Ready to snap TAUT
15. __ vincit amor OMNIA
16. Artistic place for tiny letters? MAILBOX ORIGAMI
17. What some fight to, with “the” BITTER END
22. Video game console NES
24. Cantaloupe, e.g. MELON
25. Aquatic rompers OTTERS
30. Pak of the LPGA SE RI
32. Mr. Rochester’s ward ADELE
35. “Gimme a Break!” star Carter NELL
38. Ballpark buy FRANK
39. “This could be a problem” OH-OH
40. Trouble for the hopelessly trapped NO WAY OUT
41. Nasty race tactic SMEAR
43. Manitoba pump sign ESSO
47. Irish Rose’s guy ABIE
48. Grade refinement PLUS
49. “__ Misbehavin'” AIN’T
50. Non-conforming Marvel mutants? UNORTHODOX X-MEN
51. “__ Lisa” MONA
52. Biblical barterer ESAU
53. Ship protected by Hera ARGO
57. Lower-ranking INFERIOR
58. Company with toy trucks HESS
61. “All __”: 1984 film OF ME
63. Rocker Rose AXL
67. Adman’s yuletide XMAS
68. Aaron’s MLB record 2,297 RBIS
69. Longtime “What’s My Line?” host DALY
71. Original sin site EDEN
72. __ resort LAST
74. Israeli folk dance HORA
75. Actress Moran et al. ERINS
78. “Casey’s Top 40” host KASEM
80. French girlfriend AMIE
81. 1959 Gidget player SANDRA DEE
82. Jibs, e.g. FORESAILS
84. Lhasa __ APSO
86. Church law CANON
88. Spices (up) PEPS
89. Powerful D.C. lobby THE NRA
92. __ gum: thickening agent GUAR
94. Ritchard who played Hook on Broadway CYRIL
97. Gun, in old slang ROSCOE
98. More spicy HOTTER
99. Soccer stadium shout OLE OLE
100. Limit-pushing, in adspeak XTREME
101. Most limited RAREST
102. Fish-eating hawk OSPREY
103. 1952 Egyptian Revolution leader NASSER
105. Tough STERN
109. Statement no. BAL
110. Mononymous New Ager ENYA
112. Asian country suffix STAN
113. London forecasts FOGS
116. Sigma follower TAU
117. Letters next to an eye CBS
118. “__ man walks into …” SO A
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